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package apg
// Mode represents a mode of characters
type Mode uint8
const (
// ModeNumber sets the bitmask to include numbers in the generated passwords
ModeNumber = 1 << iota
// ModeLowerCase sets the bitmask to include lower case characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeUpperCase sets the bitmask to include upper case characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeSpecial sets the bitmask to include special characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeHumanReadable sets the bitmask to generate human readable passwords
const (
// CharRangeAlphaLower represents all lower-case alphabetical characters
CharRangeAlphaLower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
// CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman represents the human-readable lower-case alphabetical characters
CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"
// CharRangeAlphaUpper represents all upper-case alphabetical characters
// CharRangeAlphaUpperHuman represents the human-readable upper-case alphabetical characters
// CharRangeNumber represents all numerical characters
CharRangeNumber = "1234567890"
// CharRangeNumberHuman represents all human-readable numerical characters
CharRangeNumberHuman = "23456789"
// CharRangeSpecial represents all special characters
CharRangeSpecial = `!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~`
// CharRangeSpecialHuman represents all human-readable special characters
CharRangeSpecialHuman = `#%*+-:;=`
// SetMode sets a specific Mode to a given Mode bitmask
func SetMode(b, m Mode) Mode { return b | m }
// ClearMode clears a specific Mode from a given Mode bitmask
func ClearMode(b, m Mode) Mode { return b &^ m }
// ToggleMode toggles a specific Mode in a given Mode bitmask
func ToggleMode(b, m Mode) Mode { return b ^ m }
// HasMode returns true if a given Mode bitmask holds a specific Mode
func HasMode(b, m Mode) bool { return b&m != 0 }