package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "log" "os" "strings" "time" ) // VersionString represents the current version of the apg-go CLI const VersionString string = "0.4.1" // Help text const usage = `apg-go // A "Automated Password Generator"-clone Copyright (c) 2021 Winni Neessen apg [-a ] [-m ] [-x ] [-L] [-U] [-N] [-S] [-H] [-C] [-l] [-M mode] [-E char_string] [-n num_of_pass] [-v] [-h] [-t] Options: -a ALGORITH Choose the password generation algorithm (Default: 1) - 0: pronounceable password generation (koremutake syllables) - 1: random password generation according to password modes/flags -m LENGTH Minimum length of the password to be generated (Default: 12) -x LENGTH Maximum length of the password to be generated (Default: 20) -n NUMBER Amount of password to be generated (Default: 6) -E CHARS List of characters to be excluded in the generated password -M [LUNSHClunshc] New style password parameters (upper case: on, lower case: off) -L Use lower case characters in passwords (Default: on) -U Use upper case characters in passwords (Default: on) -N Use numeric characters in passwords (Default: on) -S Use special characters in passwords (Default: off) -H Avoid ambiguous characters in passwords (i. e.: 1, l, I, O, 0) (Default: off) -C Enable complex password mode (implies -L -U -N -S and disables -H) (Default: off) -l Spell generated passwords in phonetic alphabet (Default: off) -p Check the HIBP database if the generated passwords was found in a leak before (Default: off) - Note: this feature requires internet connectivity -h Show this help text -v Show version string` // Main function that generated the passwords and returns them func main() { // Log configuration log.SetFlags(log.Ltime | log.Ldate | log.Lshortfile) // Read and parse flags flag.Usage = func() { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", usage) } var cfgObj = config.New() // Show version and exit if cfgObj.ShowVersion { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(`apg-go // A "Automated Password Generator"-clone v` + VersionString + "\n") _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("(C) 2021 by Winni Neessen\n") os.Exit(0) } pwList := make([]string, 0) sylList := map[string][]string{} // Choose the type of password generation based on the selected algo for i := 0; i < cfgObj.NumOfPass; i++ { pwLength := config.GetPwLengthFromParams(&cfgObj) switch cfgObj.PwAlgo { case 0: pwString := "" pwSyls := make([]string, 0) charSylSet := chars.KoremutakeSyllables charSylSet = append(charSylSet, strings.Split(chars.PwNumbersHuman, "")...) charSylSet = append(charSylSet, strings.Split(chars.PwSpecialCharsHuman, "")...) charSylSetLen := len(charSylSet) for len(pwString) < pwLength { randNum, err := random.GetNum(charSylSetLen) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error generating Koremutake syllable: %s", err) } nextSyl := charSylSet[randNum] if random.CoinFlip() { sylLen := len(nextSyl) charPos, err := random.GetNum(sylLen) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error generating random number: %s", err) } ucChar := string(nextSyl[charPos]) nextSyl = strings.ReplaceAll(nextSyl, ucChar, strings.ToUpper(ucChar)) } pwString += nextSyl pwSyls = append(pwSyls, nextSyl) } pwList = append(pwList, pwString) sylList[pwString] = pwSyls default: charRange := chars.GetRange(&cfgObj) pwString, err := random.GetChar(charRange, pwLength) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error generating random character range: %s\n", err) } pwList = append(pwList, pwString) } } for _, p := range pwList { switch cfgObj.OutputMode { case 1: spelledPw, err := spelling.String(p) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error spelling out password: %s\n", err) } fmt.Printf("%v (%v)\n", p, spelledPw) case 2: fmt.Printf("%s", p) if cfgObj.SpellPron { spelledPw, err := spelling.Koremutake(sylList[p]) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error spelling out password: %s", err) } fmt.Printf(" (%s)", spelledPw) } fmt.Println() default: fmt.Println(p) } if cfgObj.CheckHibp { hc := hibp.New(hibp.WithHttpTimeout(time.Second*2), hibp.WithPwnedPadding()) pwnObj, _, err := hc.PwnedPassApi.CheckPassword(p) if err != nil { log.Printf("unable to check HIBP database: %v", err) } if pwnObj != nil && pwnObj.Count != 0 { fmt.Print("^-- !!WARNING: The previously generated password was found in HIBP database. Do not use it!!\n") } } } }