# A "Automated Password Generator"-clone ![Go workflow](https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/actions/workflows/go.yml/badge.svg) ![CodeQL workflow](https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml/badge.svg) _apg-go_ is a simple APG-like password generator written in Go. It tries to replicate the functionality of the "[Automated Password Generator](https://web.archive.org/web/20130313042424/http://www.adel.nursat.kz:80/apg)", which hasn't been maintained since 2003. Since more and more Unix distributions are abondoning the tool, I was looking for an alternative. FreeBSD for example recommends "security/makepasswd", which is written in Perl but requires a lot of dependency packages and doesn't offer the feature-set/flexibility of APG. Since FIPS-181 (pronouncable passwords) has been withdrawn in 2015, I didn't see any use in replicating that feature. Therfore apg-go does not support pronouncable passwords. ## Installation ### Ports/Packages #### FreeBSD apg-go can be found as `/security/apg` in the [FreeBSD ports](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/tree/security/apg) tree. #### Arch Linux Find apg-go in [Arch Linux AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/apg-go/). \ Alternatively use the [PKGBUILD](https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/tree/main/buildfiles/arch-linux) file in this git repository ### Binary releases #### Linux/BSD/MacOS * Download release ```sh $ curl -LO https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/releases/download/v/apg-v--.tar.gz $ curl -LO https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/releases/download/v/apg-v--.tar.gz.sha256 ``` * Verify the checksum ```sh $ sha256 apg-v--.tar.gz $ cat apg-v--.tar.gz.sha256 ``` **Make sure the checksum of the downloaded file and the checksum in the .sha256 match** * Extract archive ```sh $ tar xzf apg-v--.tar.gz ``` * Execute ```sh $ ./apg ``` #### Windows * Download release ```PowerShell PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/releases/download/v/apg-v-windows-.zip -OutFile apg-v-windows-.zip PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/releases/download/v/apg-v-windows-.zip.sha256 -OutFile apg-v-windows-.zip.sha256 ``` * Verify the checksum ```PowerShell PS> Get-FileHash apg-v-windows-.zip | Format-List PS> type apg-v-windows-.zip.sha256 ``` **Make sure the checksum of the downloaded file and the checksum in the .sha256 match** * Extract archive ```PowerShell PS> Expand-Archive -LiteralPath apg-v-windows- ``` * Execute ```PowerShell PS> cd apg-v-windows- PS> apg.exe ``` ### Sources * Download sources ```sh $ curl -LO https://github.com/wneessen/apg-go/archive/refs/tags/v.tar.gz ``` * Extract source ```sh $ tar xzf v.tar.gz ``` * Build binary ```sh $ cd apg-go- $ go build -o apg ./... ``` * Execute the brand new binary ```sh $ ./apg ``` ### Systemwide installation It is recommed to install apg in a directory of your ```$PATH``` environment. To do so run: (In this example we use ```/usr/local/bin``` as system-wide binary path. YMMV) ```sh $ sudo cp apg /usr/local/bin/apg ``` ## Usage examples ### Default behaviour By default apg-go will generate 6 passwords, with a minimum length of 12 characters and a maxiumum length of 20 characters. The generated password will use a character set constructed from lower case, upper case and numeric characters. ```shell $ ./apg-go R8rCC8bw5NvJmTUK2g cHB9qogTbfdzFgnH hoHfpWAHHSNa4Q QyjscIsZkQGh 904YqsU5SnoqLo2w utdFKXdeiXFzM ``` ### Modifying the character sets #### Old style Let's assume you want to generate a single password, constructed out of upper case, numeric and special characters. Since lower case is part of the default set, you would need to disable them by setting the `-L` parameter. In addition you would set the `-S` parameter to enable special characters. Finally the parameter `-n 1` is needed to keep apg-go from generating more than one password: ```shell $ ./apg-go -n 1 -L -S XY7>}H@5U40&_A1*9I$ ``` #### New/modern style Since the old style switches can be kind of confusing, it is recommended to use the "new style" parameters instead. The new style is all combined in the `-M` parameter. Using the upper case version of a parameter argument enables a feature, while the lower case version disabled it. The previous example could be represented like this in new style: ```shell $ ./apg-go -n 1 -M lUSN $B|~sudhtyDBu ``` ### Password spelling If you need to read out a password, it can be helpful to know the corresponding word for that character in the phonetic alphabet. By setting the `-l` parameter, agp-go will provide you with the phonetic spelling (english language) of your newly created password: ```shell $ ./apg-go -n 1 -M LUSN -H -E : -l fUTDKeFsU+zn3r= (foxtrot/Uniform/Tango/Delta/Kilo/echo/Foxtrot/sierra/Uniform/PLUS_SIGN/zulu/november/THREE/romeo/EQUAL_SIGN) ``` ### Have I Been Pwned Even though, the passwords that apg-go generated for you, are secure, there is a minimal chance, that someone on the planet used exactly the same password before and that this person was part of an internet leak or hack, which exposed the password to the public. Such passwords are not considered secure anymore as they usually land on public available password lists, that are used by crackers. To be on the safe side, you can use the `-p` parameter, to enable a HIBP check. When the feature is enabled, apg-go will check the HIBP database at https://haveibeenpwned.com if that password has been leaked before and provide you with a warning if that is the case. Please be aware, that this is a live check against the HIBP API, which not only requires internet connectivity, but also might take between 500ms to 1s to complete. When you generating a bigger list of password `-n 100`, the process could take much longer than without the `-p` feature enabled. ## CLI parameters _apg-go_ replicates some of the parameters of the original APG. Some parameters are different though: - ```-m ```: The minimum length of the password to be generated (Default: 12) - ```-x ```: The maximum length of the password to be generated (Default: 20) - ```-n ```: The amount of passwords to be generated (Default: 6) - ```-E ```: Do not use the specified characters in generated passwords - ```-M <[LUNSHClunshc]>```: New style password parameters (upper-case enables, lower-case disables) - ```-L```: Use lower-case characters in passwords (Default: on) - ```-U```: Use upper-case characters in passwords (Default: on) - ```-N```: Use numeric characters in passwords (Default: on) - ```-S```: Use special characters in passwords (Default: off) - ```-H```: Avoid ambiguous characters in passwords (i. e.: 1, l, I, o, O, 0) (Default: off) - ```-C```: Generate complex passwords (implies -L -U -N -S and disables -H) (Default: off) - ```-l```: Spell generated passwords (Default: off) - ```-p```: Check the HIBP database if the generated passwords was found in a leak before (Default: off) // *this feature requires internet connectivity* - ```-h```: Show a CLI help text - ```-v```: Show the version number ## Contributors Thanks to the following people for contributing to the apg-go codebase: * [Romain Tartière](https://github.com/smortex)