// Package main is the APG command line client that makes use of the apg-go library package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "runtime" "src.neessen.cloud/wneessen/apg-go" ) // MinimumAmountTooHigh is an error message displayed when a minimum amount of // parameter has been set to a too high value const MinimumAmountTooHigh = "WARNING: You have selected a minimum amount of characters that is bigger\n" + "than 50% of the minimum password length to be generated. This can lead\n" + "to extraordinary calculation times resulting in apg-go never finishing\n" + "the job. Please consider lowering the value.\n\n" func main() { config := apg.NewConfig() // Configure and parse the CLI flags // See usage() for flag details var algorithm int var modeString string var complexPass, humanReadable, lowerCase, numeric, special, showVer, upperCase bool flag.IntVar(&algorithm, "a", 1, "") flag.BoolVar(&complexPass, "C", false, "") flag.StringVar(&config.ExcludeChars, "E", "", "") flag.Int64Var(&config.FixedLength, "f", 0, "") flag.BoolVar(&humanReadable, "H", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&config.SpellPassword, "l", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&lowerCase, "L", false, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MinLength, "m", config.MinLength, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MinLowerCase, "mL", config.MinLowerCase, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MinNumeric, "mN", config.MinNumeric, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MinSpecial, "mS", config.MinSpecial, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MinUpperCase, "mU", config.MinUpperCase, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.NumberPass, "n", config.NumberPass, "") flag.StringVar(&modeString, "M", "", "") flag.BoolVar(&numeric, "N", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&config.CheckHIBP, "p", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&special, "S", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&config.SpellPronounceable, "t", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&upperCase, "U", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&showVer, "v", false, "") flag.Int64Var(&config.MaxLength, "x", config.MaxLength, "") flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() // Show version and exit if showVer { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(`apg-go // A "Automated Password Generator"-clone ` + `v` + apg.VERSION + "\n") _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("OS: " + runtime.GOOS + " // Arch: " + runtime.GOARCH + " \n") _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("(C) 2021-2024 by Winni Neessen\n") os.Exit(0) } // Old style character modes if humanReadable { config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeHumanReadable) } if lowerCase { config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase) } if upperCase { config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeUpperCase) } if numeric { config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeNumeric) } if special { config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeSpecial) } if complexPass { config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase|apg.ModeNumeric| apg.ModeSpecial|apg.ModeUpperCase) config.Mode = apg.MaskClearMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeHumanReadable) } // New style character modes (has higher priority than the old style modes) if modeString != "" { config.Mode = apg.ModesFromFlags(modeString) } // For the "minimum amount of" modes we need to imply at the type // of character mode is set if config.MinLowerCase > 0 { if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinNumeric) { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh) } config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase) } if config.MinNumeric > 0 { if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinLowerCase) { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh) } config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeNumeric) } if config.MinSpecial > 0 { if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinSpecial) { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh) } config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeSpecial) } if config.MinUpperCase > 0 { if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinUpperCase) { _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh) } config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeUpperCase) } // Check if algorithm is supported config.Algorithm = apg.IntToAlgo(algorithm) if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoUnsupported { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unsupported algorithm value: %d\n", algorithm) os.Exit(1) } // Generate the password based on the given flags generator := apg.New(config) for i := int64(0); i < config.NumberPass; i++ { password, err := generator.Generate() if err != nil { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate password: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoRandom && config.SpellPassword { spellPass, err := apg.Spell(password) if err != nil { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to spell password: %s\n", err) } fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", password, spellPass) continue } if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoPronounceable && config.SpellPronounceable { pronouncePass, err := generator.Pronounce() if err != nil { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to pronounce password: %s\n", err) } fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", password, pronouncePass) continue } fmt.Println(password) if config.CheckHIBP { pwned, err := apg.HasBeenPwned(password) if err != nil { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to check HIBP database: %s\n", err) } if pwned { fmt.Print("^-- !!WARNING: The previously generated password was found in " + "HIBP database. Do not use it!!\n") } } } } // usage is used by the flag package to display the CLI usage message func usage() { // Usage text const ut = `apg-go v` + apg.VERSION + "\n" + `A OSS "Automated Password Generator"-clone -- https://src.neessen.cloud/wneessen/apg-go/ Created 2021-2024 by Winni Neessen (MIT licensed) apg [-a ] [-m ] [-x ] [-L] [-U] [-N] [-S] [-H] [-C] [-l] [-M mode] [-E char_string] [-n num_of_pass] [-mX number] [-t] [-p] [-v] [-h] Flags: -a ALGORITH Choose the password generation algorithm (Default: 1) - 0: pronounceable password generation (koremutake syllables) - 1: random password generation according to password modes/flags - 2: coinflip (returns heads or tails) -m LENGTH Minimum length of the password to be generated (Default: 12) -x LENGTH Maximum length of the password to be generated (Default: 20) -f LENGTH Fixed length of the password to be generated (Ignores -m and -x) - Note: Due to the way the pronounceable password algorithm works, this setting might not always apply -n NUMBER Amount of password to be generated (Default: 6) -E CHARS List of characters to be excluded in the generated password -M [LUNSHClunshc] New style password flags - Note: new-style flags have higher priority than any of the old-style flags -mL NUMBER Minimum amount of lower-case characters (implies -L) -mN NUMBER Minimum amount of numeric characters (implies -N) -mS NUMBER Minimum amount of special characters (implies -S) -mU NUMBER Minimum amount of upper-case characters (implies -U) - Note: any of the "Minimum amount of" modes may result in extraordinarily long calculation times - Note 2: The "minimum amount of" modes do not apply in pronounceable mode (-a 0) -C Enable complex password mode (implies -L -U -N -S and disables -H) -H Avoid ambiguous characters in passwords (i. e.: 1, l, I, O, 0) (Default: off) -L Toggle lower-case characters in passwords (Default: on) -N Toggle numeric characters in passwords (Default: on) -S Toggle special characters in passwords (Default: off) -U Toggle upper-case characters in passwords (Default: on) - Note: this flag has higher priority than the other old-style flags -l Spell generated passwords in phonetic alphabet (Default: off) -t Spell generated pronounceable passwords with the corresponding syllables (Default: off) -p Check the HIBP database if the generated passwords was found in a leak before (Default: off) - Note: this feature requires internet connectivity -h Show this help text -v Show version string` _, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(ut + "\n\n") }