Winni Neessen 2143ca99f5
Added option to exclude certain characters in password generation
The code now supports the configuration parameter 'ExcludeChars', which gives users the ability to specify particular characters that should not be included in the generated passwords. This addition was fully implemented both on config.go and random.go, while the relevant option flag was also added to apg.go for user interaction.
2024-03-12 20:31:27 +01:00

357 lines
10 KiB

package apg
import (
const (
// 7 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxBits = 7
// All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1
// # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits)
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits
// maxInt32 is the maximum positive value for a int32 number type
const maxInt32 = 2147483647
var (
// ErrInvalidLength is returned if the provided maximum number is equal or less than zero
ErrInvalidLength = errors.New("provided length value cannot be zero or less")
// ErrLengthMismatch is returned if the number of generated bytes does not match the expected length
ErrLengthMismatch = errors.New("number of generated random bytes does not match the expected length")
// ErrInvalidCharRange is returned if the given range of characters is not valid
ErrInvalidCharRange = errors.New("provided character range is not valid or empty")
// CoinFlip performs a simple coinflip based on the rand library and returns 1 or 0
func (g *Generator) CoinFlip() int64 {
coinFlip, _ := g.RandNum(2)
return coinFlip
// CoinFlipBool performs a simple coinflip based on the rand library and returns true or false
func (g *Generator) CoinFlipBool() bool {
return g.CoinFlip() == 1
// Generate generates a password based on all the different config flags and returns
// it as string type. If the generation fails, an error will be thrown
func (g *Generator) Generate() (string, error) {
switch g.config.Algorithm {
case AlgoPronounceable:
return g.generatePronounceable()
case AlgoCoinFlip:
return g.generateCoinFlip()
case AlgoRandom:
return g.generateRandom()
case AlgoUnsupported:
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported algorithm")
return "", nil
// GetCharRangeFromConfig checks the Mode from the Config and returns a
// list of all possible characters that are supported by these Mode
func (g *Generator) GetCharRangeFromConfig() string {
charRange := strings.Builder{}
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeLowerCase) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeNumeric) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeSpecial) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeUpperCase) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if g.config.ExcludeChars != "" {
rex, err := regexp.Compile("[" + regexp.QuoteMeta(g.config.ExcludeChars) + "]")
if err == nil {
newRange := rex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(charRange.String(), "")
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to exclude characters: %s\n", err)
return charRange.String()
// GetPasswordLength returns the password length based on the given config
// parameters
func (g *Generator) GetPasswordLength() (int64, error) {
if g.config.FixedLength > 0 {
return g.config.FixedLength, nil
minLength := g.config.MinLength
maxLength := g.config.MaxLength
if minLength > maxLength {
maxLength = minLength
diff := maxLength - minLength + 1
randNum, err := g.RandNum(diff)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
length := minLength + randNum
if length <= 0 {
return 1, nil
return length, nil
// RandomBytes returns a byte slice of random bytes with given length that got generated by
// the crypto/rand generator
func (g *Generator) RandomBytes(length int64) ([]byte, error) {
if length < 1 {
return nil, ErrInvalidLength
bytes := make([]byte, length)
numBytes, err := rand.Read(bytes)
if int64(numBytes) != length {
return nil, ErrLengthMismatch
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes, nil
// RandNum generates a random, non-negative number with given maximum value
func (g *Generator) RandNum(max int64) (int64, error) {
if max < 1 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLength
max64 := big.NewInt(max)
randNum, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, max64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("random number generation failed: %w", err)
return randNum.Int64(), nil
// RandomStringFromCharRange returns a random string of length l based of the range of characters given.
// The method makes use of the crypto/random package and therfore is
// cryptographically secure
func (g *Generator) RandomStringFromCharRange(length int64, charRange string) (string, error) {
if length < 1 {
return "", ErrInvalidLength
if len(charRange) < 1 {
return "", ErrInvalidCharRange
randString := strings.Builder{}
// As long as the length is smaller than the max. int32 value let's grow
// the string builder to the actual size, so we need less allocations
if length <= maxInt32 {
charRangeLength := len(charRange)
randPool := make([]byte, 8)
_, err := rand.Read(randPool)
if err != nil {
return randString.String(), err
for idx, char, rest := length-1, binary.BigEndian.Uint64(randPool), letterIdxMax; idx >= 0; {
if rest == 0 {
_, err = rand.Read(randPool)
if err != nil {
return randString.String(), err
char, rest = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(randPool), letterIdxMax
if i := int(char & letterIdxMask); i < charRangeLength {
char >>= letterIdxBits
return randString.String(), nil
// checkMinimumRequirements checks if a password meets the minimum requirements specified in the
// generator's configuration. It returns true if the password meets the requirements, otherwise it
// returns false.
// The minimum requirements for each character type (lowercase, numeric, special, uppercase) are
// checked independently. For each character type, the corresponding character range is determined
// based on the generator's configuration. The password is then checked for the presence of each
// character in the character range, and a count is maintained.
func (g *Generator) checkMinimumRequirements(password string) bool {
ok := true
if g.config.MinLowerCase > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman
charRange = CharRangeAlphaLower
count := 0
for _, char := range charRange {
count += strings.Count(password, string(char))
if int64(count) < g.config.MinLowerCase {
ok = false
if g.config.MinNumeric > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeNumericHuman
charRange = CharRangeNumeric
count := 0
for _, char := range charRange {
count += strings.Count(password, string(char))
if int64(count) < g.config.MinNumeric {
ok = false
if g.config.MinSpecial > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeSpecialHuman
charRange = CharRangeSpecial
count := 0
for _, char := range charRange {
count += strings.Count(password, string(char))
if int64(count) < g.config.MinSpecial {
ok = false
if g.config.MinUpperCase > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeAlphaUpperHuman
charRange = CharRangeAlphaUpper
count := 0
for _, char := range charRange {
count += strings.Count(password, string(char))
if int64(count) < g.config.MinUpperCase {
ok = false
return ok
// generateCoinFlip is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoCoinFlip
func (g *Generator) generateCoinFlip() (string, error) {
if g.CoinFlipBool() {
return "Heads", nil
return "Tails", nil
// generatePronounceable is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoPronounceable
func (g *Generator) generatePronounceable() (string, error) {
var password string
g.syllables = make([]string, 0)
length, err := g.GetPasswordLength()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate password length: %w", err)
characterSet := KoremutakeSyllables
characterSet = append(characterSet, strings.Split(CharRangeNumericHuman, "")...)
characterSet = append(characterSet, strings.Split(CharRangeSpecialHuman, "")...)
characterSetLength := len(characterSet)
for int64(len(password)) < length {
randNum, err := g.RandNum(int64(characterSetLength))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate a random number for Koremutake syllable generation: %s",
nextSyllable := characterSet[randNum]
if g.CoinFlipBool() {
syllableLength := len(nextSyllable)
characterPosition, err := g.RandNum(int64(syllableLength))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate a random number for Koremutake syllable generation: %s",
randomChar := string(nextSyllable[characterPosition])
nextSyllable = strings.ReplaceAll(nextSyllable, randomChar, strings.ToUpper(randomChar))
password += nextSyllable
g.syllables = append(g.syllables, nextSyllable)
return password, nil
// generateRandom is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoRandmom
func (g *Generator) generateRandom() (string, error) {
length, err := g.GetPasswordLength()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate password length: %w", err)
charRange := g.GetCharRangeFromConfig()
var password string
var ok bool
for !ok {
password, err = g.RandomStringFromCharRange(length, charRange)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ok = g.checkMinimumRequirements(password)
return password, nil