Winni Neessen b31219046a
#53 Refactor mode handling and bitmask functions
The naming and handling of mode bitmasks have been refactored for improved code readability and maintainability. The term "Mode" was replaced with "ModeMask" for clarity and all associated functions were renamed accordingly (e.g., "SetMode" to "MaskSetMode"). These changes provide better insight into the function of the code and increase understandability for future development efforts. The command-line utility now also supports specifying modes via the "-M" flag.
2023-08-04 17:14:24 +02:00

107 lines
3.3 KiB

package apg
import "strings"
// Mode represents a mode of characters
type Mode uint8
// ModeMask represents a bitmask of character modes
type ModeMask uint8
const (
// ModeNumber sets the bitmask to include numbers in the generated passwords
ModeNumber = 1 << iota
// ModeLowerCase sets the bitmask to include lower case characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeUpperCase sets the bitmask to include upper case characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeSpecial sets the bitmask to include special characters in the
// generated passwords
// ModeHumanReadable sets the bitmask to generate human readable passwords
const (
// CharRangeAlphaLower represents all lower-case alphabetical characters
CharRangeAlphaLower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
// CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman represents the human-readable lower-case alphabetical characters
CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"
// CharRangeAlphaUpper represents all upper-case alphabetical characters
// CharRangeAlphaUpperHuman represents the human-readable upper-case alphabetical characters
// CharRangeNumber represents all numerical characters
CharRangeNumber = "1234567890"
// CharRangeNumberHuman represents all human-readable numerical characters
CharRangeNumberHuman = "23456789"
// CharRangeSpecial represents all special characters
CharRangeSpecial = `!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~`
// CharRangeSpecialHuman represents all human-readable special characters
CharRangeSpecialHuman = `#%*+-:;=`
// MaskSetMode sets a specific Mode to a given Mode bitmask
func MaskSetMode(ma ModeMask, mo Mode) ModeMask { return ModeMask(uint8(ma) | uint8(mo)) }
// MaskClearMode clears a specific Mode from a given Mode bitmask
func MaskClearMode(ma ModeMask, mo Mode) ModeMask { return ModeMask(uint8(ma) &^ uint8(mo)) }
// MaskToggleMode toggles a specific Mode in a given Mode bitmask
func MaskToggleMode(ma ModeMask, mo Mode) ModeMask { return ModeMask(uint8(ma) ^ uint8(mo)) }
// MaskHasMode returns true if a given Mode bitmask holds a specific Mode
func MaskHasMode(ma ModeMask, mo Mode) bool { return uint8(ma)&uint8(mo) != 0 }
func ModesFromFlags(ms string) ModeMask {
var mm ModeMask
for _, m := range strings.Split(ms, "") {
switch m {
case "C":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeLowerCase|ModeNumber|ModeSpecial|ModeUpperCase)
case "h":
mm = MaskClearMode(mm, ModeHumanReadable)
case "H":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeHumanReadable)
case "l":
mm = MaskClearMode(mm, ModeLowerCase)
case "L":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeLowerCase)
case "n":
mm = MaskClearMode(mm, ModeNumber)
case "N":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeNumber)
case "s":
mm = MaskClearMode(mm, ModeSpecial)
case "S":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeSpecial)
case "u":
mm = MaskClearMode(mm, ModeUpperCase)
case "U":
mm = MaskSetMode(mm, ModeUpperCase)
return mm
// String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface for the Mode type
func (m Mode) String() string {
switch m {
case ModeHumanReadable:
return "Human-readable"
case ModeLowerCase:
return "Lower-case"
case ModeNumber:
return "Number"
case ModeSpecial:
return "Special"
case ModeUpperCase:
return "Upper-case"
return "Unknown"