Winni Neessen d521defa38
Rearrange flag assignments for readability in apg.go
The flag assignments in the apg.go file have been rearranged and organized in alphabetical order by their first letter for better readability and easy management. The logic remains unaffected, but the changes should improve the overall code aesthetic and maintainability.
2024-03-12 20:41:24 +01:00

212 lines
8.6 KiB

// Package main is the APG command line client that makes use of the apg-go library
package main
import (
// MinimumAmountTooHigh is an error message displayed when a minimum amount of
// parameter has been set to a too high value
const MinimumAmountTooHigh = "WARNING: You have selected a minimum amount of characters that is bigger\n" +
"than 50% of the minimum password length to be generated. This can lead\n" +
"to extraordinary calculation times resulting in apg-go never finishing\n" +
"the job. Please consider lowering the value.\n\n"
func main() {
config := apg.NewConfig()
// Configure and parse the CLI flags
// See usage() for flag details
var algorithm int
var modeString string
var complexPass, humanReadable, lowerCase, numeric, special, showVer, upperCase bool
flag.IntVar(&algorithm, "a", 1, "")
flag.BoolVar(&complexPass, "C", false, "")
flag.StringVar(&config.ExcludeChars, "E", "", "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.FixedLength, "f", 0, "")
flag.BoolVar(&humanReadable, "H", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&config.SpellPassword, "l", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&lowerCase, "L", false, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MinLength, "m", config.MinLength, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MinLowerCase, "mL", config.MinLowerCase, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MinNumeric, "mN", config.MinNumeric, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MinSpecial, "mS", config.MinSpecial, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MinUpperCase, "mU", config.MinUpperCase, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.NumberPass, "n", config.NumberPass, "")
flag.StringVar(&modeString, "M", "", "")
flag.BoolVar(&numeric, "N", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&config.CheckHIBP, "p", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&special, "S", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&config.SpellPronounceable, "t", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&upperCase, "U", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&showVer, "v", false, "")
flag.Int64Var(&config.MaxLength, "x", config.MaxLength, "")
flag.Usage = usage
// Show version and exit
if showVer {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(`apg-go // A "Automated Password Generator"-clone ` +
`v` + apg.VERSION + "\n")
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("OS: " + runtime.GOOS + " // Arch: " +
runtime.GOARCH + " \n")
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString("(C) 2021-2024 by Winni Neessen\n")
// Old style character modes
if humanReadable {
config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeHumanReadable)
if lowerCase {
config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase)
if upperCase {
config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeUpperCase)
if numeric {
config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeNumeric)
if special {
config.Mode = apg.MaskToggleMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeSpecial)
if complexPass {
config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase|apg.ModeNumeric|
config.Mode = apg.MaskClearMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeHumanReadable)
// New style character modes (has higher priority than the old style modes)
if modeString != "" {
config.Mode = apg.ModesFromFlags(modeString)
// For the "minimum amount of" modes we need to imply at the type
// of character mode is set
if config.MinLowerCase > 0 {
if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinNumeric) {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh)
config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeLowerCase)
if config.MinNumeric > 0 {
if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinLowerCase) {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh)
config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeNumeric)
if config.MinSpecial > 0 {
if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinSpecial) {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh)
config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeSpecial)
if config.MinUpperCase > 0 {
if float64(config.MinLength)/2 < float64(config.MinUpperCase) {
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(MinimumAmountTooHigh)
config.Mode = apg.MaskSetMode(config.Mode, apg.ModeUpperCase)
// Check if algorithm is supported
config.Algorithm = apg.IntToAlgo(algorithm)
if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoUnsupported {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unsupported algorithm value: %d\n", algorithm)
// Generate the password based on the given flags
generator := apg.New(config)
for i := int64(0); i < config.NumberPass; i++ {
password, err := generator.Generate()
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate password: %s\n", err)
if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoRandom && config.SpellPassword {
spellPass, err := apg.Spell(password)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to spell password: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", password, spellPass)
if config.Algorithm == apg.AlgoPronounceable && config.SpellPronounceable {
pronouncePass, err := generator.Pronounce()
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to pronounce password: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", password, pronouncePass)
if config.CheckHIBP {
pwned, err := apg.HasBeenPwned(password)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to check HIBP database: %s\n", err)
if pwned {
fmt.Print("^-- !!WARNING: The previously generated password was found in " +
"HIBP database. Do not use it!!\n")
// usage is used by the flag package to display the CLI usage message
func usage() {
// Usage text
const ut = `apg-go v` +
apg.VERSION + "\n" +
`A OSS "Automated Password Generator"-clone -- https://src.neessen.cloud/wneessen/apg-go/
Created 2021-2024 by Winni Neessen (MIT licensed)
apg [-a <algo>] [-m <length>] [-x <length>] [-L] [-U] [-N] [-S] [-H] [-C]
[-l] [-M mode] [-E char_string] [-n num_of_pass] [-v] [-h] [-t]
-a ALGORITH Choose the password generation algorithm (Default: 1)
- 0: pronounceable password generation (koremutake syllables)
- 1: random password generation according to password modes/flags
- 2: coinflip (returns heads or tails)
-m LENGTH Minimum length of the password to be generated (Default: 12)
-x LENGTH Maximum length of the password to be generated (Default: 20)
-f LENGTH Fixed length of the password to be generated (Ignores -m and -x)
- Note: Due to the way the pronounceable password algorithm works,
this setting might not always apply
-n NUMBER Amount of password to be generated (Default: 6)
-E CHARS List of characters to be excluded in the generated password
-M [LUNSHClunshc] New style password flags
- Note: new-style flags have higher priority than any of the old-style flags
-mL NUMBER Minimum amount of lower-case characters (implies -L)
-mN NUMBER Minimum amount of numeric characters (implies -N)
-mS NUMBER Minimum amount of special characters (implies -S)
-mU NUMBER Minimum amount of upper-case characters (implies -U)
- Note: any of the "Minimum amount of" modes may result in
extraordinarily long calculation times
- Note 2: The "minimum amount of" modes do not apply in
pronounceable mode (-a 0)
-C Enable complex password mode (implies -L -U -N -S and disables -H)
-H Avoid ambiguous characters in passwords (i. e.: 1, l, I, O, 0) (Default: off)
-L Toggle lower-case characters in passwords (Default: on)
-N Toggle numeric characters in passwords (Default: on)
-S Toggle special characters in passwords (Default: off)
-U Toggle upper-case characters in passwords (Default: on)
- Note: this flag has higher priority than the other old-style flags
-l Spell generated passwords in phonetic alphabet (Default: off)
-t Spell generated pronounceable passwords with the corresponding
syllables (Default: off)
-p Check the HIBP database if the generated passwords was found in a leak before (Default: off)
- Note: this feature requires internet connectivity
-h Show this help text
-v Show version string`
_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(ut + "\n\n")