Winni Neessen eaf4a4c57d
v0.3.1: New password length behaviour
To address issue #13, the password length behaviour of the
original APG has been reproduced. Previously, when a minLength
of 5 and a maxLength of 10 was given, apg-go se the pwLength to
the preferred maxLength.

With v0.3.1 it will choose a random length between minLength and
maxLength instead, same as the original C-lang apg did. For this
the minLength has been defaulted to a sane value of 12 (instead
of the 8 of the original apg). The default for maxLength stayed
at 20.

Also the default number of generated passwords has been changed
from 1 to 6, to replicate the behaviour of the original apg.
2021-04-17 11:11:54 +02:00

244 lines
14 KiB

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<MESSAGE value="v0.2.1: Support for more platforms added" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.2.3: More chars, cleanup and better test coverage&#10;- Added more special characters&#10;- Fixed issue with ` character&#10;- Added lots of tests&#10;- Moved character range generation into it's own function&#10;- Better error handling&#10;- A bit of code cleanup" />
<MESSAGE value="Split up functions into seperate files" />
<MESSAGE value="Added spelling of pws. Ready for v0.2.4" />
<MESSAGE value="Fixes in getCharRange() tests" />
<MESSAGE value="excludeChars are now escaped before using them as regExp" />
<MESSAGE value="Added sane defaults" />
<MESSAGE value="Updates README.md. We are ready for v0.2.5" />
<MESSAGE value="Break the switch/case" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.2.6 - converted to go module structure&#10;- Better logging&#10;- Better error handling&#10;- Removed Makefile since github takes care of building/releasing" />
<MESSAGE value="Tests cleanup. Used structs for tests instead of repeating code" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.2.7: Switched global config to it's own package" />
<MESSAGE value="Updated .gitignore" />
<MESSAGE value="Removed .idea from .gitignore" />
<MESSAGE value="Let's have centralized IDE config" />
<MESSAGE value="New DEV branch" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.2.9: Replaced standard go-help with custom usage text" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.3.0: Unified the naming convention" />
<MESSAGE value="v0.3.1: New password length behaviour&#10;&#10;To address issue #13, the password length behaviour of the &#10;original APG has been reproduced. Previously, when a minLength&#10;of 5 and a maxLength of 10 was given, apg-go se the pwLength to&#10;the preferred maxLength.&#10;&#10;With v0.3.1 it will choose a random length between minLength and&#10;maxLength instead, same as the original C-lang apg did. For this&#10;the minLength has been defaulted to a sane value of 12 (instead &#10;of the 8 of the original apg). The default for maxLength stayed&#10;at 20.&#10;&#10;Also the default number of generated passwords has been changed &#10;from 1 to 6, to replicate the behaviour of the original apg." />
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