Enhanced the documentation of `Part` struct and its methods to provide clearer explanations, including parameter and return descriptions. This improves code readability and helps developers understand the functionality and usage of each method.
Updated variable names in multiple files to enhance code readability and maintainability by replacing abbreviations with full descriptive names. This ensures adherence to the best practices of naming conventions in Go.
New unit tests have been introduced for WithPartCharset and SetCharset methods in part_test.go. Also, a GetCharset method has been implemented in part.go. These modifications ensure the robustness of charset handling within the application.
Charset support has been added in the 'Part' struct. A 'SetCharset' method and a 'WithPartCharset' option have been added to override the default Part charset. The 'writePart' function in msgWriter now accommodates the charset defined at the Part level, defaulting to the previous functionality if not set.
This PR introduces a new struct field for the message parts: `del`
If the del flag is set to `true`, the msgWriter will ignore this part during the writing process.
Additionally, the `part` has now a `Delete` method that lets the user mark the part as deleted
This allows middleware to take further control of the Msg and is part of #107
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* Used licenses: CC0-1.0, MIT
* Read errors: 0
* Files with copyright information: 45 / 45
* Files with license information: 45 / 45
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