Added 'testdata' to .gitignore file. This ensures that any files or folders named 'testdata', which are most likely used for local testing, will not be tracked by Git allowing for a cleaner working directory.
Deleted the `.idea/go-mail.iml` file which was committed in error and should not be part of the source code repository. Updated the `.gitignore` file to ignore the whole `.idea` directory, since it contains configuration files that are specific to each developers environment and not required for the project build. The changes in the repository will now make it more clutter-free and prevent unintentional commits of unnecessary files in the future.
- Bump version in doc.go
- Add sonarlint to .gitignore
- Update README to reflect the changes and contributors
- Fixed typos in auth_cram_md5_118.go, msg.go, msg_test.go, reader.go and smtp_ehlo_117.go
* Bad licenses:
* Deprecated licenses:
* Licenses without file extension:
* Missing licenses:
* Unused licenses:
* Used licenses: CC0-1.0, MIT
* Read errors: 0
* Files with copyright information: 45 / 45
* Files with license information: 45 / 45
Congratulations! Your project is compliant with version 3.0 of the REUSE Specification :-)