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synced 2024-12-22 18:50:37 +01:00
543 lines
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543 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 The go-mail Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package mail
import (
const (
// MaxHeaderLength defines the maximum line length for a mail header.
// This constant follows the recommendation of RFC 2047, which suggests a maximum length of 76 characters.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
MaxHeaderLength = 76
// MaxBodyLength defines the maximum line length for the mail body.
// This constant follows the recommendation of RFC 2047, which suggests a maximum length of 76 characters.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
MaxBodyLength = 76
// SingleNewLine represents a single newline character sequence ("\r\n").
// This constant can be used by the msgWriter to issue a carriage return when writing mail content.
SingleNewLine = "\r\n"
// DoubleNewLine represents a double newline character sequence ("\r\n\r\n").
// This constant can be used by the msgWriter to indicate a new segment of the mail when writing mail content.
DoubleNewLine = "\r\n\r\n"
// msgWriter handles the I/O operations for writing to the io.WriteCloser of the SMTP client.
// This struct keeps track of the number of bytes written, the character set used, and the depth of the
// current multipart section. It also handles encoding, error tracking, and managing multipart and part
// writers for constructing the email message body.
type msgWriter struct {
bytesWritten int64
charset Charset
depth int8
encoder mime.WordEncoder
err error
multiPartWriter [3]*multipart.Writer
partWriter io.Writer
writer io.Writer
// Write implements the io.Writer interface for msgWriter.
// This method writes the provided payload to the underlying writer. It keeps track of the number of bytes
// written and handles any errors encountered during the writing process. If a previous error exists, it
// prevents further writing and returns the error.
// Parameters:
// - payload: A byte slice containing the data to be written.
// Returns:
// - The number of bytes successfully written.
// - An error if the writing process fails, or if a previous error was encountered.
func (mw *msgWriter) Write(payload []byte) (int, error) {
if mw.err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to write due to previous error: %w", mw.err)
var n int
n, mw.err = mw.writer.Write(payload)
mw.bytesWritten += int64(n)
return n, mw.err
// writeMsg formats the message and writes it to the msgWriter's io.Writer.
// This method handles the process of writing the message headers and body content, including handling
// multipart structures (e.g., mixed, related, alternative), PGP types, and attachments/embeds. It sets the
// required headers (e.g., "From", "To", "Cc") and iterates over the message parts, writing them to the
// output writer.
// Parameters:
// - msg: A pointer to the Msg struct containing the message data and headers to be written.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2045 (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - MIME)
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322 (Internet Message Format)
func (mw *msgWriter) writeMsg(msg *Msg) {
// Set the FROM header (or envelope FROM if FROM is empty)
hasFrom := true
from, ok := msg.addrHeader[HeaderFrom]
if !ok || (len(from) == 0 || from == nil) {
from, ok = msg.addrHeader[HeaderEnvelopeFrom]
if !ok || (len(from) == 0 || from == nil) {
hasFrom = false
if hasFrom && (len(from) > 0 && from[0] != nil) {
mw.writeHeader(Header(HeaderFrom), from[0].String())
// Set the rest of the address headers
for _, to := range []AddrHeader{HeaderTo, HeaderCc} {
if addresses, ok := msg.addrHeader[to]; ok {
var val []string
for _, addr := range addresses {
val = append(val, addr.String())
mw.writeHeader(Header(to), val...)
if msg.hasSMime() {
mw.startMP(MIMESMime, msg.boundary)
if msg.hasMixed() {
mw.startMP(MIMEMixed, msg.boundary)
if msg.hasRelated() {
mw.startMP(MIMERelated, msg.boundary)
if msg.hasAlt() {
mw.startMP(MIMEAlternative, msg.boundary)
if msg.hasPGPType() {
switch msg.pgptype {
case PGPEncrypt:
mw.startMP(`encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"`,
case PGPSignature:
mw.startMP(`signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature";`,
for _, part := range msg.parts {
if !part.isDeleted {
mw.writePart(part, msg.charset)
if msg.hasAlt() {
// Add embeds
mw.addFiles(msg.embeds, false)
if msg.hasRelated() {
// Add attachments
mw.addFiles(msg.attachments, true)
if msg.hasMixed() {
if msg.hasSMime() {
// writeGenHeader writes out all generic headers to the msgWriter.
// This function extracts all generic headers from the provided Msg object, sorts them, and writes them
// to the msgWriter in alphabetical order.
// Parameters:
// - msg: The Msg object containing the headers to be written.
func (mw *msgWriter) writeGenHeader(msg *Msg) {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(msg.genHeader))
for key := range msg.genHeader {
keys = append(keys, string(key))
for _, key := range keys {
mw.writeHeader(Header(key), msg.genHeader[Header(key)]...)
// writePreformattedGenHeader writes out all preformatted generic headers to the msgWriter.
// This function iterates over all preformatted generic headers from the provided Msg object and writes
// them to the msgWriter in the format "key: value" followed by a newline.
// Parameters:
// - msg: The Msg object containing the preformatted headers to be written.
func (mw *msgWriter) writePreformattedGenHeader(msg *Msg) {
for key, val := range msg.preformHeader {
mw.writeString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s%s", key, val, SingleNewLine))
// startMP writes a multipart beginning.
// This function initializes a multipart writer for the msgWriter using the specified MIME type and
// boundary. It sets the Content-Type header to indicate the multipart type and writes the boundary
// information. If a boundary is provided, it is set explicitly; otherwise, a default boundary is
// generated. It also handles writing a new part when nested multipart structures are used.
// Parameters:
// - mimeType: The MIME type of the multipart content (e.g., "mixed", "alternative").
// - boundary: The boundary string separating different parts of the multipart message.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2046
func (mw *msgWriter) startMP(mimeType MIMEType, boundary string) {
multiPartWriter := multipart.NewWriter(mw)
if boundary != "" {
mw.err = multiPartWriter.SetBoundary(boundary)
contentType := fmt.Sprintf("multipart/%s;\r\n boundary=%s", mimeType,
mw.multiPartWriter[mw.depth] = multiPartWriter
if mw.depth == 0 {
mw.writeString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", HeaderContentType, contentType))
if mw.depth > 0 {
mw.newPart(map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {contentType}})
// stopMP closes the multipart.
// This function closes the current multipart writer if there is an active multipart structure.
// It decreases the depth level of multipart nesting.
func (mw *msgWriter) stopMP() {
if mw.depth > 0 {
mw.err = mw.multiPartWriter[mw.depth-1].Close()
// addFiles adds the attachments/embeds file content to the mail body.
// This function iterates through the list of files, setting necessary headers for each file,
// including Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Content-Disposition, and Content-ID
// (if the file is an embed). It determines the appropriate MIME type for each file based on
// its extension or the provided ContentType. It writes file headers and file content
// to the mail body using the appropriate encoding.
// Parameters:
// - files: A slice of File objects to be added to the mail body.
// - isAttachment: A boolean indicating whether the files are attachments (true) or embeds (false).
func (mw *msgWriter) addFiles(files []*File, isAttachment bool) {
for _, file := range files {
encoding := EncodingB64
if _, ok := file.getHeader(HeaderContentType); !ok {
mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(file.Name))
if mimeType == "" {
mimeType = "application/octet-stream"
if file.ContentType != "" {
mimeType = string(file.ContentType)
file.setHeader(HeaderContentType, fmt.Sprintf(`%s; name="%s"`, mimeType,
mw.encoder.Encode(mw.charset.String(), sanitizeFilename(file.Name))))
if _, ok := file.getHeader(HeaderContentTransferEnc); !ok {
if file.Enc != "" {
encoding = file.Enc
file.setHeader(HeaderContentTransferEnc, string(encoding))
if file.Desc != "" {
if _, ok := file.getHeader(HeaderContentDescription); !ok {
file.setHeader(HeaderContentDescription, mw.encoder.Encode(mw.charset.String(), file.Desc))
if _, ok := file.getHeader(HeaderContentDisposition); !ok {
disposition := "inline"
if isAttachment {
disposition = "attachment"
file.setHeader(HeaderContentDisposition, fmt.Sprintf(`%s; filename="%s"`,
disposition, mw.encoder.Encode(mw.charset.String(), sanitizeFilename(file.Name))))
if !isAttachment {
if _, ok := file.getHeader(HeaderContentID); !ok {
file.setHeader(HeaderContentID, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", sanitizeFilename(file.Name)))
if mw.depth == 0 {
for header, val := range file.Header {
mw.writeHeader(Header(header), val...)
if mw.depth > 0 {
if mw.err == nil {
mw.writeBody(file.Writer, encoding, false)
// newPart creates a new MIME multipart io.Writer and sets the partWriter to it.
// This function creates a new MIME part using the provided header information and assigns it
// to the partWriter. It interacts with the current multipart writer at the specified depth
// to create the part.
// Parameters:
// - header: A map containing the header fields and their corresponding values for the new part.
func (mw *msgWriter) newPart(header map[string][]string) {
mw.partWriter, mw.err = mw.multiPartWriter[mw.depth-1].CreatePart(header)
// writePart writes the corresponding part to the Msg body.
// This function writes a MIME part to the message body, setting the appropriate headers such
// as Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding. It determines the charset for the part,
// either using the part's own charset or a fallback charset if none is specified. If the part
// is at the top level (depth 0), headers are written directly. For nested parts, it creates
// a new MIME part with the provided headers.
// Parameters:
// - part: The Part object containing the data to be written.
// - charset: The Charset used as a fallback if the part does not specify one.
func (mw *msgWriter) writePart(part *Part, charset Charset) {
partCharset := part.charset
if partCharset.String() == "" {
partCharset = charset
contentType := part.contentType.String()
if !part.IsSMimeSigned() {
contentType = strings.Join([]string{contentType, "; charset=", partCharset.String()}, "")
contentTransferEnc := part.encoding.String()
if mw.depth == 0 {
mw.writeHeader(HeaderContentType, contentType)
mw.writeHeader(HeaderContentTransferEnc, contentTransferEnc)
if mw.depth > 0 {
mimeHeader := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
if part.description != "" {
mimeHeader.Add(string(HeaderContentDescription), part.description)
mimeHeader.Add(string(HeaderContentType), contentType)
mimeHeader.Add(string(HeaderContentTransferEnc), contentTransferEnc)
mw.writeBody(part.writeFunc, part.encoding, part.smime)
// writeString writes a string into the msgWriter's io.Writer interface.
// This function writes the given string to the msgWriter's underlying writer. It checks for
// existing errors before performing the write operation. It also tracks the number of bytes
// written and updates the bytesWritten field accordingly.
// Parameters:
// - s: The string to be written.
func (mw *msgWriter) writeString(s string) {
if mw.err != nil {
var n int
n, mw.err = io.WriteString(mw.writer, s)
mw.bytesWritten += int64(n)
// writeHeader writes a header into the msgWriter's io.Writer.
// This function writes a header key and its associated values to the msgWriter. It ensures
// proper formatting of long headers by inserting line breaks as needed. The header values
// are joined and split into words to ensure compliance with the maximum header length
// (MaxHeaderLength). After processing the header, it is written to the underlying writer.
// Parameters:
// - key: The Header key to be written.
// - values: A variadic parameter representing the values associated with the header.
func (mw *msgWriter) writeHeader(key Header, values ...string) {
buffer := strings.Builder{}
charLength := MaxHeaderLength - 2
charLength -= len(key)
if len(values) == 0 {
buffer.WriteString(": ")
charLength -= 2
fullValueStr := strings.Join(values, ", ")
words := strings.Split(fullValueStr, " ")
for i, val := range words {
if charLength-len(val) <= 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", SingleNewLine))
charLength = MaxHeaderLength - 3
if i < len(words)-1 {
buffer.WriteString(" ")
charLength -= 1
charLength -= len(val)
bufferString := buffer.String()
bufferString = strings.ReplaceAll(bufferString, fmt.Sprintf(" %s", SingleNewLine),
// writeBody writes an io.Reader into an io.Writer using the provided Encoding.
// This function writes data from an io.Reader to the underlying writer using a specified
// encoding (quoted-printable, base64, or no encoding). It handles encoding of the content
// and manages writing the encoded data to the appropriate writer, depending on the depth
// (whether the data is part of a multipart structure or not). It also tracks the number
// of bytes written and manages any errors encountered during the process.
// Parameters:
// - writeFunc: A function that writes the body content to the given io.Writer.
// - encoding: The encoding type to use when writing the content (e.g., base64, quoted-printable).
// - singingWithSMime: Whether the msg should be signed with S/MIME or not.
func (mw *msgWriter) writeBody(writeFunc func(io.Writer) (int64, error), encoding Encoding, singingWithSMime bool) {
var writer io.Writer
var encodedWriter io.WriteCloser
var n int64
var err error
if mw.depth == 0 {
writer = mw.writer
if mw.depth > 0 {
writer = mw.partWriter
writeBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}
lineBreaker := Base64LineBreaker{}
lineBreaker.out = &writeBuffer
if encoding == EncodingQP {
encodedWriter = quotedprintable.NewWriter(&writeBuffer)
} else if encoding == EncodingB64 && !singingWithSMime {
encodedWriter = base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, &lineBreaker)
} else if encoding == NoEncoding || singingWithSMime {
_, err = writeFunc(&writeBuffer)
if err != nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter function: %w", err)
n, err = io.Copy(writer, &writeBuffer)
if err != nil && mw.err == nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter io.Copy: %w", err)
if mw.depth == 0 {
mw.bytesWritten += n
} else {
encodedWriter = quotedprintable.NewWriter(writer)
_, err = writeFunc(encodedWriter)
if err != nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter function: %w", err)
err = encodedWriter.Close()
if err != nil && mw.err == nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter close encoded writer: %w", err)
err = lineBreaker.Close()
if err != nil && mw.err == nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter close linebreaker: %w", err)
n, err = io.Copy(writer, &writeBuffer)
if err != nil && mw.err == nil {
mw.err = fmt.Errorf("bodyWriter io.Copy: %w", err)
// Since the part writer uses the WriteTo() method, we don't need to add the
// bytes twice
if mw.depth == 0 {
mw.bytesWritten += n
// sanitizeFilename sanitizes a given filename string by replacing specific unwanted characters with
// an underscore ('_').
// This method replaces any control character and any special character that is problematic for
// MIME headers and file systems with an underscore ('_') character.
// The following characters are replaced
// - Any control character (US-ASCII < 32)
// - ", /, :, <, >, ?, \, |, [DEL]
// Parameters:
// - input: A string of a filename that is supposed to be sanitized
// Returns:
// - A string representing the sanitized version of the filename
func sanitizeFilename(input string) string {
var sanitized strings.Builder
for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ {
// We do not allow control characters in file names.
if input[i] < 32 || input[i] == 34 || input[i] == 47 || input[i] == 58 ||
input[i] == 60 || input[i] == 62 || input[i] == 63 || input[i] == 92 ||
input[i] == 124 || input[i] == 127 {
return sanitized.String()