Winni Neessen 63d8cef8ca
Refactor DSN handling from client.go to smtp.go
This PR refactors the the DSN (RFC 1891) SMTP client handling, that was introduced in f4cdc61dd0.

While most of the Client options stay the same, the whole workaround logic for the SMTP client has been removed and added as part of the SMTP client instead.

This was we got rid of the Client's own `mail()`, `rcpt()`, `dsnRcpt()`, `dsnMail()` methods as well as the copies of the `cmd()` and `validateLine()` methods. The Client is now using the proper `Mail()` and `Rcpt()` methods of the SMTP client instead.
2023-01-18 10:30:06 +01:00

635 lines
17 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 The go-mail Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package mail
import (
// Defaults
const (
// DefaultPort is the default connection port cto the SMTP server
DefaultPort = 25
// DefaultTimeout is the default connection timeout
DefaultTimeout = time.Second * 15
// DefaultTLSPolicy is the default STARTTLS policy
DefaultTLSPolicy = TLSMandatory
// DefaultTLSMinVersion is the minimum TLS version required for the connection
// Nowadays TLS1.2 should be the sane default
DefaultTLSMinVersion = tls.VersionTLS12
// DSNMailReturnOption is a type to define which MAIL RET option is used when a DSN
// is requested
type DSNMailReturnOption string
// DSNRcptNotifyOption is a type to define which RCPT NOTIFY option is used when a DSN
// is requested
type DSNRcptNotifyOption string
const (
// DSNMailReturnHeadersOnly requests that only the headers of the message be returned.
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.3
DSNMailReturnHeadersOnly DSNMailReturnOption = "HDRS"
// DSNMailReturnFull requests that the entire message be returned in any "failed"
// delivery status notification issued for this recipient
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.3
DSNMailReturnFull DSNMailReturnOption = "FULL"
// DSNRcptNotifyNever requests that a DSN not be returned to the sender under
// any conditions.
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.1
DSNRcptNotifyNever DSNRcptNotifyOption = "NEVER"
// DSNRcptNotifySuccess requests that a DSN be issued on successful delivery
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.1
DSNRcptNotifySuccess DSNRcptNotifyOption = "SUCCESS"
// DSNRcptNotifyFailure requests that a DSN be issued on delivery failure
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.1
DSNRcptNotifyFailure DSNRcptNotifyOption = "FAILURE"
// DSNRcptNotifyDelay indicates the sender's willingness to receive
// "delayed" DSNs. Delayed DSNs may be issued if delivery of a message has
// been delayed for an unusual amount of time (as determined by the MTA at
// which the message is delayed), but the final delivery status (whether
// successful or failure) cannot be determined. The absence of the DELAY
// keyword in a NOTIFY parameter requests that a "delayed" DSN NOT be
// issued under any conditions.
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891#section-5.1
DSNRcptNotifyDelay DSNRcptNotifyOption = "DELAY"
// Client is the SMTP client struct
type Client struct {
// co is the net.Conn that the smtp.Client is based on
co net.Conn
// Timeout for the SMTP server connection
cto time.Duration
// dsn indicates that we want to use DSN for the Client
dsn bool
// dsnmrtype defines the DSNMailReturnOption in case DSN is enabled
dsnmrtype DSNMailReturnOption
// dsnrntype defines the DSNRcptNotifyOption in case DSN is enabled
dsnrntype []string
// enc indicates if a Client connection is encrypted or not
enc bool
// noNoop indicates the Noop is to be skipped
noNoop bool
// HELO/EHLO string for the greeting the target SMTP server
helo string
// Hostname of the target SMTP server cto connect cto
host string
// pass is the corresponding SMTP AUTH password
pass string
// Port of the SMTP server cto connect cto
port int
// sa is a pointer to smtp.Auth
sa smtp.Auth
// satype represents the authentication type for SMTP AUTH
satype SMTPAuthType
// sc is the smtp.Client that is set up when using the Dial*() methods
sc *smtp.Client
// Use SSL for the connection
ssl bool
// tlspolicy sets the client to use the provided TLSPolicy for the STARTTLS protocol
tlspolicy TLSPolicy
// tlsconfig represents the tls.Config setting for the STARTTLS connection
tlsconfig *tls.Config
// user is the SMTP AUTH username
user string
// dl enables the debug logging on the SMTP client
dl bool
// Option returns a function that can be used for grouping Client options
type Option func(*Client) error
var (
// ErrInvalidPort should be used if a port is specified that is not valid
ErrInvalidPort = errors.New("invalid port number")
// ErrInvalidTimeout should be used if a timeout is set that is zero or negative
ErrInvalidTimeout = errors.New("timeout cannot be zero or negative")
// ErrInvalidHELO should be used if an empty HELO sting is provided
ErrInvalidHELO = errors.New("invalid HELO/EHLO value - must not be empty")
// ErrInvalidTLSConfig should be used if an empty tls.Config is provided
ErrInvalidTLSConfig = errors.New("invalid TLS config")
// ErrNoHostname should be used if a Client has no hostname set
ErrNoHostname = errors.New("hostname for client cannot be empty")
// ErrDeadlineExtendFailed should be used if the extension of the connection deadline fails
ErrDeadlineExtendFailed = errors.New("connection deadline extension failed")
// ErrNoActiveConnection should be used when a method is used that requies a server connection
// but is not yet connected
ErrNoActiveConnection = errors.New("not connected to SMTP server")
// ErrServerNoUnencoded should be used when 8BIT encoding is selected for a message, but
// the server does not offer 8BITMIME mode
ErrServerNoUnencoded = errors.New("message is 8bit unencoded, but server does not support 8BITMIME")
// ErrInvalidDSNMailReturnOption should be used when an invalid option is provided for the
// DSNMailReturnOption in WithDSN
ErrInvalidDSNMailReturnOption = errors.New("DSN mail return option can only be HDRS or FULL")
// ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyOption should be used when an invalid option is provided for the
// DSNRcptNotifyOption in WithDSN
ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyOption = errors.New("DSN rcpt notify option can only be: NEVER, " +
// ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyCombination should be used when an invalid option is provided for the
// DSNRcptNotifyOption in WithDSN
ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyCombination = errors.New("DSN rcpt notify option NEVER cannot be " +
"combined with any of SUCCESS, FAILURE or DELAY")
// NewClient returns a new Session client object
func NewClient(h string, o ...Option) (*Client, error) {
c := &Client{
cto: DefaultTimeout,
host: h,
port: DefaultPort,
tlsconfig: &tls.Config{ServerName: h, MinVersion: DefaultTLSMinVersion},
tlspolicy: DefaultTLSPolicy,
// Set default HELO/EHLO hostname
if err := c.setDefaultHelo(); err != nil {
return c, err
// Override defaults with optionally provided Option functions
for _, co := range o {
if co == nil {
if err := co(c); err != nil {
return c, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply option: %w", err)
// Some settings in a Client cannot be empty/unset
if c.host == "" {
return c, ErrNoHostname
return c, nil
// WithPort overrides the default connection port
func WithPort(p int) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
if p < 1 || p > 65535 {
return ErrInvalidPort
c.port = p
return nil
// WithTimeout overrides the default connection timeout
func WithTimeout(t time.Duration) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
if t <= 0 {
return ErrInvalidTimeout
c.cto = t
return nil
// WithSSL tells the client to use a SSL/TLS connection
func WithSSL() Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.ssl = true
return nil
// WithDebugLog tells the client to log incoming and outgoing messages of the SMTP client
// to StdErr
func WithDebugLog() Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.dl = true
return nil
// WithHELO tells the client to use the provided string as HELO/EHLO greeting host
func WithHELO(h string) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
if h == "" {
return ErrInvalidHELO
c.helo = h
return nil
// WithTLSPolicy tells the client to use the provided TLSPolicy
func WithTLSPolicy(p TLSPolicy) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.tlspolicy = p
return nil
// WithTLSConfig tells the client to use the provided *tls.Config
func WithTLSConfig(co *tls.Config) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
if co == nil {
return ErrInvalidTLSConfig
c.tlsconfig = co
return nil
// WithSMTPAuth tells the client to use the provided SMTPAuthType for authentication
func WithSMTPAuth(t SMTPAuthType) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.satype = t
return nil
// WithSMTPAuthCustom tells the client to use the provided smtp.Auth for SMTP authentication
func WithSMTPAuthCustom(a smtp.Auth) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.sa = a
return nil
// WithUsername tells the client to use the provided string as username for authentication
func WithUsername(u string) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.user = u
return nil
// WithPassword tells the client to use the provided string as password/secret for authentication
func WithPassword(p string) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.pass = p
return nil
// WithDSN enables the Client to request DSNs (if the server supports it)
// as described in the RFC 1891 and set defaults for DSNMailReturnOption
// to DSNMailReturnFull and DSNRcptNotifyOption to DSNRcptNotifySuccess
// and DSNRcptNotifyFailure
func WithDSN() Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.dsn = true
c.dsnmrtype = DSNMailReturnFull
c.dsnrntype = []string{string(DSNRcptNotifyFailure), string(DSNRcptNotifySuccess)}
return nil
// WithDSNMailReturnType enables the Client to request DSNs (if the server supports it)
// as described in the RFC 1891 and set the MAIL FROM Return option type to the
// given DSNMailReturnOption
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891
func WithDSNMailReturnType(mro DSNMailReturnOption) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
switch mro {
case DSNMailReturnHeadersOnly:
case DSNMailReturnFull:
return ErrInvalidDSNMailReturnOption
c.dsn = true
c.dsnmrtype = mro
return nil
// WithDSNRcptNotifyType enables the Client to request DSNs as described in the RFC 1891
// and sets the RCPT TO notify options to the given list of DSNRcptNotifyOption
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1891
func WithDSNRcptNotifyType(rno ...DSNRcptNotifyOption) Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
var rnol []string
var ns, nns bool
if len(rno) > 0 {
for _, crno := range rno {
switch crno {
case DSNRcptNotifyNever:
ns = true
case DSNRcptNotifySuccess:
nns = true
case DSNRcptNotifyFailure:
nns = true
case DSNRcptNotifyDelay:
nns = true
return ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyOption
rnol = append(rnol, string(crno))
if ns && nns {
return ErrInvalidDSNRcptNotifyCombination
c.dsn = true
c.dsnrntype = rnol
return nil
// WithoutNoop disables the Client Noop check during connections. This is primarily for servers which delay responses
// to SMTP commands that are not the AUTH command. For example Microsoft Exchange's Tarpit.
func WithoutNoop() Option {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.noNoop = true
return nil
// TLSPolicy returns the currently set TLSPolicy as string
func (c *Client) TLSPolicy() string {
return c.tlspolicy.String()
// ServerAddr returns the currently set combination of hostname and port
func (c *Client) ServerAddr() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.host, c.port)
// SetTLSPolicy overrides the current TLSPolicy with the given TLSPolicy value
func (c *Client) SetTLSPolicy(p TLSPolicy) {
c.tlspolicy = p
// SetSSL tells the Client wether to use SSL or not
func (c *Client) SetSSL(s bool) {
c.ssl = s
// SetDebugLog tells the Client whether debug logging is enabled or not
func (c *Client) SetDebugLog(v bool) {
c.dl = v
if c.sc != nil {
// SetTLSConfig overrides the current *tls.Config with the given *tls.Config value
func (c *Client) SetTLSConfig(co *tls.Config) error {
if co == nil {
return ErrInvalidTLSConfig
c.tlsconfig = co
return nil
// SetUsername overrides the current username string with the given value
func (c *Client) SetUsername(u string) {
c.user = u
// SetPassword overrides the current password string with the given value
func (c *Client) SetPassword(p string) {
c.pass = p
// SetSMTPAuth overrides the current SMTP AUTH type setting with the given value
func (c *Client) SetSMTPAuth(a SMTPAuthType) {
c.satype = a
// SetSMTPAuthCustom overrides the current SMTP AUTH setting with the given custom smtp.Auth
func (c *Client) SetSMTPAuthCustom(sa smtp.Auth) {
c.sa = sa
// setDefaultHelo retrieves the current hostname and sets it as HELO/EHLO hostname
func (c *Client) setDefaultHelo() error {
hn, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed cto read local hostname: %w", err)
c.helo = hn
return nil
// DialWithContext establishes a connection cto the SMTP server with a given context.Context
func (c *Client) DialWithContext(pc context.Context) error {
ctx, cfn := context.WithDeadline(pc, time.Now().Add(c.cto))
defer cfn()
nd := net.Dialer{}
var err error
if c.ssl {
td := tls.Dialer{NetDialer: &nd, Config: c.tlsconfig}
c.enc = true
c.co, err = td.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", c.ServerAddr())
if !c.ssl {
c.co, err = nd.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", c.ServerAddr())
if err != nil {
return err
c.sc, err = smtp.NewClient(c.co, c.host)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.dl {
if err := c.sc.Hello(c.helo); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.tls(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.auth(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Close closes the Client connection
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if err := c.checkConn(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.sc.Quit(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to close SMTP client: %w", err)
return nil
// Reset sends the RSET command to the SMTP client
func (c *Client) Reset() error {
if err := c.checkConn(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.sc.Reset(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send RSET to SMTP client: %w", err)
return nil
// DialAndSend establishes a connection to the SMTP server with a
// default context.Background and sends the mail
func (c *Client) DialAndSend(ml ...*Msg) error {
ctx := context.Background()
return c.DialAndSendWithContext(ctx, ml...)
// DialAndSendWithContext establishes a connection to the SMTP server with a
// custom context and sends the mail
func (c *Client) DialAndSendWithContext(ctx context.Context, ml ...*Msg) error {
if err := c.DialWithContext(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dial failed: %w", err)
if err := c.Send(ml...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("send failed: %w", err)
if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to close connction: %w", err)
return nil
// checkConn makes sure that a required server connection is available and extends the
// connection deadline
func (c *Client) checkConn() error {
if c.co == nil {
return ErrNoActiveConnection
if !c.noNoop {
if err := c.sc.Noop(); err != nil {
return ErrNoActiveConnection
if err := c.co.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(c.cto)); err != nil {
return ErrDeadlineExtendFailed
return nil
// tls tries to make sure that the STARTTLS requirements are satisfied
func (c *Client) tls() error {
if c.co == nil {
return ErrNoActiveConnection
if !c.ssl && c.tlspolicy != NoTLS {
est := false
st, _ := c.sc.Extension("STARTTLS")
if c.tlspolicy == TLSMandatory {
est = true
if !st {
return fmt.Errorf("STARTTLS mode set to: %q, but target host does not support STARTTLS",
if c.tlspolicy == TLSOpportunistic {
if st {
est = true
if est {
if err := c.sc.StartTLS(c.tlsconfig); err != nil {
return err
_, c.enc = c.sc.TLSConnectionState()
return nil
// auth will try to perform SMTP AUTH if requested
func (c *Client) auth() error {
if err := c.checkConn(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to authenticate: %w", err)
if c.sa == nil && c.satype != "" {
sa, sat := c.sc.Extension("AUTH")
if !sa {
return fmt.Errorf("server does not support SMTP AUTH")
switch c.satype {
case SMTPAuthPlain:
if !strings.Contains(sat, string(SMTPAuthPlain)) {
return ErrPlainAuthNotSupported
c.sa = smtp.PlainAuth("", c.user, c.pass, c.host)
case SMTPAuthLogin:
if !strings.Contains(sat, string(SMTPAuthLogin)) {
return ErrLoginAuthNotSupported
c.sa = smtp.LoginAuth(c.user, c.pass, c.host)
case SMTPAuthCramMD5:
if !strings.Contains(sat, string(SMTPAuthCramMD5)) {
return ErrCramMD5AuthNotSupported
c.sa = smtp.CRAMMD5Auth(c.user, c.pass)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported SMTP AUTH type %q", c.satype)
if c.sa != nil {
if err := c.sc.Auth(c.sa); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("SMTP AUTH failed: %w", err)
return nil