Winni Neessen 7d69ec8faa
Replace hardcoded '2' in Output with const CallDepth
A `const CallDepth` placeholder has been introduced and has been set to 2. This is used as an argument in Output method calls in various log levels like debug, info, warn, and error in place of previously hardcoded '2'. This change improves the readability of the code. The '2' represented the call depth of log.Logger's Output method, which wasn't immediately clear with the hardcoded value.
2023-07-24 15:27:39 +02:00

78 lines
1.9 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 The go-mail Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package log
import (
// Level is a type wrapper for an int
type Level int
// Stdlog is the default logger that satisfies the Logger interface
type Stdlog struct {
l Level
err *log.Logger
warn *log.Logger
info *log.Logger
debug *log.Logger
const (
// LevelError is the Level for only ERROR log messages
LevelError Level = iota
// LevelWarn is the Level for WARN and higher log messages
// LevelInfo is the Level for INFO and higher log messages
// LevelDebug is the Level for DEBUG and higher log messages
// CallDepth is the call depth value for the log.Logger's Output method
// This defaults to 2 and is only here for better readablity of the code
const CallDepth = 2
// New returns a new Stdlog type that satisfies the Logger interface
func New(o io.Writer, l Level) *Stdlog {
lf := log.Lmsgprefix | log.LstdFlags
return &Stdlog{
l: l,
err: log.New(o, "ERROR: ", lf),
warn: log.New(o, " WARN: ", lf),
info: log.New(o, " INFO: ", lf),
debug: log.New(o, "DEBUG: ", lf),
// Debugf performs a Printf() on the debug logger
func (l *Stdlog) Debugf(f string, v ...interface{}) {
if l.l >= LevelDebug {
_ = l.debug.Output(CallDepth, fmt.Sprintf(f, v...))
// Infof performs a Printf() on the info logger
func (l *Stdlog) Infof(f string, v ...interface{}) {
if l.l >= LevelInfo {
_ = l.info.Output(CallDepth, fmt.Sprintf(f, v...))
// Warnf performs a Printf() on the warn logger
func (l *Stdlog) Warnf(f string, v ...interface{}) {
if l.l >= LevelWarn {
_ = l.warn.Output(CallDepth, fmt.Sprintf(f, v...))
// Errorf performs a Printf() on the error logger
func (l *Stdlog) Errorf(f string, v ...interface{}) {
if l.l >= LevelError {
_ = l.err.Output(CallDepth, fmt.Sprintf(f, v...))