Winni Neessen 864c593208
Add parameters and references to method comments in msg.go
Enhanced method documentation by adding parameter descriptions and reference links. This improves the clarity and usability of the code, ensuring that users understand the purpose and usage of each method.
2024-10-05 20:29:33 +02:00

2034 lines
77 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 The go-mail Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package mail
import (
ht "html/template"
tt "text/template"
var (
// ErrNoFromAddress indicates that the FROM address is not set, which is required.
ErrNoFromAddress = errors.New("no FROM address set")
// ErrNoRcptAddresses indicates that no recipient addresses have been set.
ErrNoRcptAddresses = errors.New("no recipient addresses set")
const (
// errTplExecuteFailed indicates that the execution of a template has failed, including the underlying error.
errTplExecuteFailed = "failed to execute template: %w"
// errTplPointerNil indicates that a template pointer is nil, which prevents further template execution or
// processing.
errTplPointerNil = "template pointer is nil"
// errParseMailAddr indicates that parsing of a mail address has failed, including the problematic address
// and error.
errParseMailAddr = "failed to parse mail address %q: %w"
const (
// NoPGP indicates that a message should not be treated as PGP encrypted or signed and is the default value
// for a message
NoPGP PGPType = iota
// PGPEncrypt indicates that a message should be treated as PGP encrypted. This works closely together with
// the corresponding go-mail-middleware.
// PGPSignature indicates that a message should be treated as PGP signed. This works closely together with
// the corresponding go-mail-middleware.
// MiddlewareType is a type wrapper for a string. It describes the type of the Middleware and needs to be
// returned by the Middleware.Type method to satisfy the Middleware interface.
type MiddlewareType string
// Middleware represents the interface for modifying or handling email messages. A Middleware allows the user to
// alter a Msg before it is finally processed. Multiple Middleware can be applied to a Msg.
// Type returns a unique MiddlewareType. It describes the type of Middleware and makes sure that
// a Middleware is only applied once.
// Handle performs all the processing to the Msg. It always needs to return a Msg back.
type Middleware interface {
Handle(*Msg) *Msg
Type() MiddlewareType
// PGPType is a type wrapper for an int, representing a type of PGP encryption or signature.
type PGPType int
// Msg represents an email message with various headers, attachments, and encoding settings.
// The Msg is the central part of go-mail. It provided a lot of methods that you would expect in a mail
// user agent (MUA). Msg satisfies the io.WriterTo and io.Reader interfaces.
type Msg struct {
// addrHeader holds a mapping between AddrHeader keys and their corresponding slices of mail.Address pointers.
addrHeader map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address
// attachments holds a list of File pointers that represent files either as attachments or embeds files in
// a Msg.
attachments []*File
// boundary represents the delimiter for separating parts in a multipart message.
boundary string
// charset represents the Charset of the Msg.
// By default we set CharsetUTF8 for a Msg unless overridden by a corresponding MsgOption.
charset Charset
// embeds contains a slice of File pointers representing the embedded files in a Msg.
embeds []*File
// encoder is a mime.WordEncoder used to encode strings (such as email headers) using a specified
// Encoding.
encoder mime.WordEncoder
// encoding specifies the type of Encoding used for email messages and/or parts.
encoding Encoding
// genHeader is a map where the keys are email headers (of type Header) and the values are slices of strings
// representing header values.
genHeader map[Header][]string
// isDelivered indicates wether the Msg has been delivered.
isDelivered bool
// middlewares is a slice of Middleware used for modifying or handling messages before they are processed.
// middlewares are processed in FIFO order.
middlewares []Middleware
// mimever represents the MIME version used in a Msg.
mimever MIMEVersion
// parts is a slice that holds pointers to Part structures, which represent different parts of a Msg.
parts []*Part
// preformHeader maps Header types to their already preformatted string values.
// Preformatted Header values will not be affected by automatic line breaks.
preformHeader map[Header]string
// pgptype indicates that a message has a PGPType assigned and therefore will generate
// different Content-Type settings in the msgWriter.
pgptype PGPType
// sendError represents an error encountered during the process of sending a Msg during the
// Client.Send operation.
// sendError will hold an error of type SendError.
sendError error
// noDefaultUserAgent indicates whether the default User-Agent will be omitted for the Msg when it is
// being sent.
// This can be useful in scenarios where headers are conditionally passed based on receipt - i. e. SMTP proxies.
noDefaultUserAgent bool
// SendmailPath is the default system path to the sendmail binary - at least on standard Unix-like OS.
const SendmailPath = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
// MsgOption is a function type that modifies a Msg instance during its creation or initialization.
type MsgOption func(*Msg)
// NewMsg creates a new email message with optional MsgOption functions that customize various aspects
// of the message.
// This function initializes a new Msg instance with default values for address headers, character set,
// encoding, general headers, and MIME version. It then applies any provided MsgOption functions to
// customize the message according to the user's needs. If an option is nil, it will be ignored.
// After applying the options, the function sets the appropriate MIME WordEncoder for the message.
// Parameters:
// - opts: A variadic list of MsgOption functions that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
// Returns:
// - A pointer to the newly created Msg instance.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321
func NewMsg(opts ...MsgOption) *Msg {
msg := &Msg{
addrHeader: make(map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address),
charset: CharsetUTF8,
encoding: EncodingQP,
genHeader: make(map[Header][]string),
preformHeader: make(map[Header]string),
mimever: MIME10,
// Override defaults with optionally provided MsgOption functions.
for _, option := range opts {
if option == nil {
// Set the matcing mime.WordEncoder for the Msg
return msg
// WithCharset sets the Charset type for a Msg during its creation or initialization.
// This MsgOption function allows you to specify the character set to be used in the email message.
// The charset defines how the text in the message is encoded and interpreted by the email client.
// This option should be called when creating a new Msg instance to ensure that the desired charset
// is set correctly.
// Parameters:
// - charset: The Charset value that specifies the desired character set for the Msg.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047#section-5
func WithCharset(charset Charset) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.charset = charset
// WithEncoding sets the Encoding type for a Msg during its creation or initialization.
// This MsgOption function allows you to specify the encoding type to be used in the email message.
// The encoding defines how the message content is encoded, which affects how it is transmitted
// and decoded by email clients. This option should be called when creating a new Msg instance to
// ensure that the desired encoding is set correctly.
// Parameters:
// - encoding: The Encoding value that specifies the desired encoding type for the Msg.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047#section-6
func WithEncoding(encoding Encoding) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.encoding = encoding
// WithMIMEVersion sets the MIMEVersion type for a Msg during its creation or initialization.
// Note that in the context of email, MIME Version 1.0 is the only officially standardized and
// supported version. While MIME has been updated and extended over time via various RFCs, these
// updates and extensions do not introduce new MIME versions; they refine or add features within
// the framework of MIME 1.0. Therefore, there should be no reason to ever use this MsgOption.
// Parameters:
// - version: The MIMEVersion value that specifies the desired MIME version for the Msg.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1521
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2045
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2049
func WithMIMEVersion(version MIMEVersion) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.mimever = version
// WithBoundary sets the boundary of a Msg to the provided string value during its creation or
// initialization.
// Note that by default, random MIME boundaries are created. This option should only be used if
// a specific boundary is required for the email message. Using a predefined boundary can be
// helpful when constructing multipart messages with specific formatting or content separation.
// Parameters:
// - boundary: The string value that specifies the desired boundary for the Msg.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
func WithBoundary(boundary string) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.boundary = boundary
// WithMiddleware adds the given Middleware to the end of the list of the Client middlewares slice.
// Middleware are processed in FIFO order.
// This MsgOption function allows you to specify custom middleware that will be applied during the
// message handling process. Middleware can be used to modify the message, perform logging, or
// implement additional functionality as the message flows through the system. Each middleware
// is executed in the order it was added.
// Parameters:
// - middleware: The Middleware to be added to the list for processing.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
func WithMiddleware(middleware Middleware) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.middlewares = append(m.middlewares, middleware)
// WithPGPType sets the PGP type for the Msg during its creation or initialization, determining
// the encryption or signature method.
// This MsgOption function allows you to specify the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) type to be used
// for securing the message. The chosen PGP type influences how the message is encrypted or
// signed, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the content. This option should be called
// when creating a new Msg instance to set the desired PGP type appropriately.
// Parameters:
// - pgptype: The PGPType value that specifies the desired PGP type for the Msg.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4880
func WithPGPType(pgptype PGPType) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.pgptype = pgptype
// WithNoDefaultUserAgent disables the inclusion of a default User-Agent header in the Msg during
// its creation or initialization.
// This MsgOption function allows you to customize the Msg instance by omitting the default
// User-Agent header, which is typically included to provide information about the software
// sending the email. This option can be useful when you want to have more control over the
// headers included in the message, such as when sending from a custom application or for
// privacy reasons.
// Returns:
// - A MsgOption function that can be used to customize the Msg instance.
func WithNoDefaultUserAgent() MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.noDefaultUserAgent = true
// SetCharset sets or overrides the currently set encoding charset of the Msg.
// This method allows you to specify a character set for the email message. The charset is
// important for ensuring that the content of the message is correctly interpreted by
// mail clients. Common charset values include UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and others. If a charset
// is not explicitly set, CharsetUTF8 is used as default.
// Parameters:
// - charset: The Charset value to set for the Msg, determining the encoding used for the message content.
func (m *Msg) SetCharset(charset Charset) {
m.charset = charset
// SetEncoding sets or overrides the currently set Encoding of the Msg.
// This method allows you to specify the encoding type for the email message. The encoding
// determines how the message content is represented and can affect the size and compatibility
// of the email. Common encoding types include Base64 and Quoted-Printable. Setting a new
// encoding may also adjust how the message content is processed and transmitted.
// Parameters:
// - encoding: The Encoding value to set for the Msg, determining the method used to encode the
// message content.
func (m *Msg) SetEncoding(encoding Encoding) {
m.encoding = encoding
// SetBoundary sets or overrides the currently set boundary of the Msg.
// This method allows you to specify a custom boundary string for the MIME message. The
// boundary is used to separate different parts of the message, especially when dealing
// with multipart messages. By default, the Msg generates random MIME boundaries. This
// function should only be used if you have a specific boundary requirement for the
// message. Ensure that the boundary value does not conflict with any content within the
// message to avoid parsing errors.
// Parameters:
// - boundary: The string value representing the boundary to set for the Msg, used in
// multipart messages to delimit different sections.
func (m *Msg) SetBoundary(boundary string) {
m.boundary = boundary
// SetMIMEVersion sets or overrides the currently set MIME version of the Msg.
// In the context of email, MIME Version 1.0 is the only officially standardized and
// supported version. Although MIME has been updated and extended over time through
// various RFCs, these updates do not introduce new MIME versions; they refine or add
// features within the framework of MIME 1.0. Therefore, there is generally no need to
// use this function to set a different MIME version.
// Parameters:
// - version: The MIMEVersion value to set for the Msg, which determines the MIME
// version used in the email message.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1521
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2045
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2049
func (m *Msg) SetMIMEVersion(version MIMEVersion) {
m.mimever = version
// SetPGPType sets or overrides the currently set PGP type for the Msg, determining the
// encryption or signature method.
// This method allows you to specify the PGP type that will be used when encrypting or
// signing the message. Different PGP types correspond to various encryption and signing
// algorithms, and selecting the appropriate type is essential for ensuring the security
// and integrity of the message content.
// Parameters:
// - pgptype: The PGPType value to set for the Msg, which determines the encryption
// or signature method used for the email message.
func (m *Msg) SetPGPType(pgptype PGPType) {
m.pgptype = pgptype
// Encoding returns the currently set Encoding of the Msg as a string.
// This method retrieves the encoding type that is currently applied to the message. The
// encoding type determines how the message content is encoded for transmission. Common
// encoding types include quoted-printable and base64, and the returned string will reflect
// the specific encoding method in use.
// Returns:
// - A string representation of the current Encoding of the Msg.
func (m *Msg) Encoding() string {
return m.encoding.String()
// Charset returns the currently set Charset of the Msg as a string.
// This method retrieves the character set that is currently applied to the message. The
// charset defines the encoding for the text content of the message, ensuring that
// characters are displayed correctly across different email clients and platforms. The
// returned string will reflect the specific charset in use, such as UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.
// Returns:
// - A string representation of the current Charset of the Msg.
func (m *Msg) Charset() string {
return m.charset.String()
// SetHeader sets a generic header field of the Msg.
// Deprecated: This method only exists for compatibility reasons. Please use SetGenHeader
// instead. For adding address headers like "To:" or "From", use SetAddrHeader instead.
// This method allows you to set a header field for the message, providing the header name
// and its corresponding values. However, it is recommended to utilize the newer methods
// for better clarity and functionality. Using SetGenHeader or SetAddrHeader is preferred
// for more specific header types, ensuring proper handling of the message headers.
// Parameters:
// - header: The header field to set in the Msg.
// - values: One or more string values to associate with the header field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
func (m *Msg) SetHeader(header Header, values ...string) {
m.SetGenHeader(header, values...)
// SetGenHeader sets a generic header field of the Msg to the provided list of values.
// This method is intended for setting generic headers in the email message. It takes a
// header name and a variadic list of string values, encoding them as necessary before
// storing them in the message's internal header map.
// Note: For adding email address-related headers (like "To:", "From", "Cc", etc.),
// use SetAddrHeader instead to ensure proper formatting and validation.
// Parameters:
// - header: The header field to set in the Msg.
// - values: One or more string values to associate with the header field.
// This method ensures that all values are appropriately encoded for email transmission,
// adhering to the necessary standards.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
func (m *Msg) SetGenHeader(header Header, values ...string) {
if m.genHeader == nil {
m.genHeader = make(map[Header][]string)
for i, val := range values {
values[i] = m.encodeString(val)
m.genHeader[header] = values
// SetHeaderPreformatted sets a generic header field of the Msg, which content is already preformatted.
// Deprecated: This method only exists for compatibility reasons. Please use
// SetGenHeaderPreformatted instead for setting preformatted generic header fields.
// Parameters:
// - header: The header field to set in the Msg.
// - value: The preformatted string value to associate with the header field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2047
func (m *Msg) SetHeaderPreformatted(header Header, value string) {
m.SetGenHeaderPreformatted(header, value)
// SetGenHeaderPreformatted sets a generic header field of the Msg which content is already preformatted.
// This method does not take a slice of values but only a single value. The reason for this is that we do not
// perform any content alteration on these kinds of headers and expect the user to have already taken care of
// any kind of formatting required for the header.
// Note: This method should be used only as a last resort. Since the user is responsible for the formatting of
// the message header, we cannot guarantee any compliance with RFC 2822. It is advised to use SetGenHeader
// instead for general header fields.
// Parameters:
// - header: The header field to set in the Msg.
// - value: The preformatted string value to associate with the header field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822
func (m *Msg) SetGenHeaderPreformatted(header Header, value string) {
if m.preformHeader == nil {
m.preformHeader = make(map[Header]string)
m.preformHeader[header] = value
// SetAddrHeader sets the specified AddrHeader for the Msg to the given values.
// Addresses are parsed according to RFC 5322. If parsing any of the provided values fails,
// an error is returned. If you cannot guarantee that all provided values are valid, you can
// use SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid instead, which will silently skip any parsing errors.
// This method allows you to set address-related headers for the message, ensuring that the
// provided addresses are properly formatted and parsed. Using this method helps maintain the
// integrity of the email addresses within the message.
// Parameters:
// - header: The AddrHeader to set in the Msg (e.g., "From", "To", "Cc", "Bcc").
// - values: One or more string values representing the email addresses to associate with
// the specified header.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
func (m *Msg) SetAddrHeader(header AddrHeader, values ...string) error {
if m.addrHeader == nil {
m.addrHeader = make(map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address)
var addresses []*mail.Address
for _, addrVal := range values {
address, err := mail.ParseAddress(addrVal)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errParseMailAddr, addrVal, err)
addresses = append(addresses, address)
switch header {
case HeaderFrom:
if len(addresses) > 0 {
m.addrHeader[header] = []*mail.Address{addresses[0]}
m.addrHeader[header] = addresses
return nil
// SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid sets the specified AddrHeader for the Msg to the given values.
// Addresses are parsed according to RFC 5322. If parsing of any of the provided values fails,
// the error is ignored and the address is omitted from the address list.
// This method allows for setting address headers while ignoring invalid addresses. It is useful
// in scenarios where you want to ensure that only valid addresses are included without halting
// execution due to parsing errors.
// Parameters:
// - header: The AddrHeader field to set in the Msg.
// - values: One or more string values representing email addresses.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
func (m *Msg) SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(header AddrHeader, values ...string) {
var addresses []*mail.Address
for _, addrVal := range values {
address, err := mail.ParseAddress(m.encodeString(addrVal))
if err != nil {
addresses = append(addresses, address)
m.addrHeader[header] = addresses
// EnvelopeFrom sets the envelope from address for the Msg.
// The HeaderEnvelopeFrom address is generally not included in the mail body but only used by the
// Client for communication with the SMTP server. If the Msg has no "FROM" address set in the
// mail body, the msgWriter will try to use the envelope from address if it has been set for the Msg.
// The provided address is validated according to RFC 5322 and will return an error if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - from: The envelope from address to set in the Msg.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
func (m *Msg) EnvelopeFrom(from string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderEnvelopeFrom, from)
// EnvelopeFromFormat sets the provided name and mail address as HeaderEnvelopeFrom for the Msg.
// The HeaderEnvelopeFrom address is generally not included in the mail body but only used by the
// Client for communication with the SMTP server. If the Msg has no "FROM" address set in the mail
// body, the msgWriter will try to use the envelope from address if it has been set for the Msg.
// The provided name and address are validated according to RFC 5322 and will return an error if
// the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - name: The name to associate with the envelope from address.
// - addr: The mail address to set as the envelope from address.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
func (m *Msg) EnvelopeFromFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderEnvelopeFrom, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// From sets the "FROM" address in the mail body for the Msg.
// The "FROM" address is included in the mail body and indicates the sender of the message to
// the recipient. This address is visible in the email client and is typically displayed to the
// recipient. If the "FROM" address is not set, the msgWriter may attempt to use the envelope
// from address (if available) for sending. The provided address is validated according to RFC
// 5322 and will return an error if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - from: The "FROM" address to set in the mail body.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
func (m *Msg) From(from string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderFrom, from)
// FromFormat sets the provided name and mail address as the "FROM" address in the mail body for the Msg.
// The "FROM" address is included in the mail body and indicates the sender of the message to
// the recipient, and is visible in the email client. If the "FROM" address is not explicitly
// set, the msgWriter may use the envelope from address (if provided) when sending the message.
// The provided name and address are validated according to RFC 5322 and will return an error
// if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - name: The name of the sender to include in the "FROM" address.
// - addr: The email address of the sender to include in the "FROM" address.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
func (m *Msg) FromFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderFrom, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// To sets one or more "TO" addresses in the mail body for the Msg.
// The "TO" address specifies the primary recipient(s) of the message and is included in the mail body.
// This address is visible to the recipient and any other recipients of the message. Multiple "TO" addresses
// can be set by passing them as variadic arguments to this method. Each provided address is validated
// according to RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if ANY validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more recipient email addresses to include in the "TO" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) To(rcpts ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderTo, rcpts...)
// AddTo adds a single "TO" address to the existing list of recipients in the mail body for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a single recipient to the "TO" field without replacing any previously set
// "TO" addresses. The "TO" address specifies the primary recipient(s) of the message and is visible in the mail
// client. The provided address is validated according to RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if the
// validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpt: The recipient email address to add to the "TO" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddTo(rcpt string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderTo, rcpt)
// AddToFormat adds a single "TO" address with the provided name and email to the existing list of recipients
// in the mail body for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a recipient's name and email address to the "TO" field without replacing any
// previously set "TO" addresses. The "TO" address specifies the primary recipient(s) of the message and is
// visible in the mail client. The provided name and address are validated according to RFC 5322, and an error
// will be returned if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - name: The name of the recipient to add to the "TO" field.
// - addr: The email address of the recipient to add to the "TO" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddToFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderTo, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// ToIgnoreInvalid sets one or more "TO" addresses in the mail body for the Msg, ignoring any invalid addresses.
// This method allows you to add multiple "TO" recipients to the message body. Unlike the standard `To` method,
// any invalid addresses are ignored, and no error is returned for those addresses. Valid addresses will still be
// included in the "TO" field, which is visible in the recipient's mail client. Use this method with caution if
// address validation is critical. Invalid addresses are determined according to RFC 5322.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more recipient addresses to add to the "TO" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) ToIgnoreInvalid(rcpts ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderTo, rcpts...)
// ToFromString takes a string of comma-separated email addresses, validates each, and sets them as the
// "TO" addresses for the Msg.
// This method allows you to pass a single string containing multiple email addresses separated by commas.
// Each address is validated according to RFC 5322 and set as a recipient in the "TO" field. If any validation
// fails, an error will be returned. The addresses are visible in the mail body and displayed to recipients in
// the mail client. Any "TO" address applied previously will be overwritten.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: A string containing multiple recipient addresses separated by commas.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) ToFromString(rcpts string) error {
return m.To(strings.Split(rcpts, ",")...)
// Cc sets one or more "CC" (carbon copy) addresses in the mail body for the Msg.
// The "CC" address specifies secondary recipient(s) of the message, and is included in the mail body.
// These addresses are visible to all recipients, including those listed in the "TO" and other "CC" fields.
// Multiple "CC" addresses can be set by passing them as variadic arguments to this method. Each provided
// address is validated according to RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if ANY validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more recipient addresses to be included in the "CC" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) Cc(rcpts ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderCc, rcpts...)
// AddCc adds a single "CC" (carbon copy) address to the existing list of "CC" recipients in the mail body
// for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a single recipient to the "CC" field without replacing any previously set "CC"
// addresses. The "CC" address specifies secondary recipient(s) and is visible to all recipients, including those
// in the "TO" field. The provided address is validated according to RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if
// the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpt: The recipient address to be added to the "CC" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddCc(rcpt string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderCc, rcpt)
// AddCcFormat adds a single "CC" (carbon copy) address with the provided name and email to the existing list
// of "CC" recipients in the mail body for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a recipient's name and email address to the "CC" field without replacing any
// previously set "CC" addresses. The "CC" address specifies secondary recipient(s) and is visible to all
// recipients, including those in the "TO" field. The provided name and address are validated according to
// RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - name: The name of the recipient to be added to the "CC" field.
// - addr: The email address of the recipient to be added to the "CC" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddCcFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderCc, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// CcIgnoreInvalid sets one or more "CC" (carbon copy) addresses in the mail body for the Msg, ignoring any
// invalid addresses.
// This method allows you to add multiple "CC" recipients to the message body. Unlike the standard `Cc` method,
// any invalid addresses are ignored, and no error is returned for those addresses. Valid addresses will still
// be included in the "CC" field, which is visible to all recipients in the mail client. Use this method with
// caution if address validation is critical, as invalid addresses are determined according to RFC 5322.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more recipient email addresses to be added to the "CC" field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) CcIgnoreInvalid(rcpts ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderCc, rcpts...)
// CcFromString takes a string of comma-separated email addresses, validates each, and sets them as the "CC"
// addresses for the Msg.
// This method allows you to pass a single string containing multiple email addresses separated by commas.
// Each address is validated according to RFC 5322 and set as a recipient in the "CC" field. If any validation
// fails, an error will be returned. The addresses are visible in the mail body and displayed to recipients
// in the mail client.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: A string containing multiple email addresses separated by commas.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) CcFromString(rcpts string) error {
return m.Cc(strings.Split(rcpts, ",")...)
// Bcc sets one or more "BCC" (blind carbon copy) addresses in the mail body for the Msg.
// The "BCC" address specifies recipient(s) of the message who will receive a copy without other recipients
// being aware of it. These addresses are not visible in the mail body or to any other recipients, ensuring
// the privacy of BCC'd recipients. Multiple "BCC" addresses can be set by passing them as variadic arguments
// to this method. Each provided address is validated according to RFC 5322, and an error will be returned
// if ANY validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more string values representing the BCC addresses to set in the Msg.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) Bcc(rcpts ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderBcc, rcpts...)
// AddBcc adds a single "BCC" (blind carbon copy) address to the existing list of "BCC" recipients in the mail
// body for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a single recipient to the "BCC" field without replacing any previously set
// "BCC" addresses. The "BCC" address specifies recipient(s) of the message who will receive a copy without other
// recipients being aware of it. The provided address is validated according to RFC 5322, and an error will be
// returned if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - rcpt: The BCC address to add to the existing list of recipients in the Msg.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddBcc(rcpt string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderBcc, rcpt)
// AddBccFormat adds a single "BCC" (blind carbon copy) address with the provided name and email to the existing
// list of "BCC" recipients in the mail body for the Msg.
// This method allows you to add a recipient's name and email address to the "BCC" field without replacing
// any previously set "BCC" addresses. The "BCC" address specifies recipient(s) of the message who will receive
// a copy without other recipients being aware of it. The provided name and address are validated according to
// RFC 5322, and an error will be returned if the validation fails.
// Parameters:
// - name: The name of the recipient to add to the BCC field.
// - addr: The email address of the recipient to add to the BCC field.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) AddBccFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderBcc, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// BccIgnoreInvalid sets one or more "BCC" (blind carbon copy) addresses in the mail body for the Msg,
// ignoring any invalid addresses.
// This method allows you to add multiple "BCC" recipients to the message body. Unlike the standard `Bcc`
// method, any invalid addresses are ignored, and no error is returned for those addresses. Valid addresses
// will still be included in the "BCC" field, which ensures the privacy of the BCC'd recipients. Use this method
// with caution if address validation is critical, as invalid addresses are determined according to RFC 5322.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: One or more string values representing the BCC email addresses to set.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) BccIgnoreInvalid(rcpts ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderBcc, rcpts...)
// BccFromString takes a string of comma-separated email addresses, validates each, and sets them as the "BCC"
// addresses for the Msg.
// This method allows you to pass a single string containing multiple email addresses separated by commas.
// Each address is validated according to RFC 5322 and set as a recipient in the "BCC" field. If any validation
// fails, an error will be returned. The addresses are not visible in the mail body and ensure the privacy of
// BCC'd recipients.
// Parameters:
// - rcpts: A string of comma-separated email addresses to set as BCC recipients.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) BccFromString(rcpts string) error {
return m.Bcc(strings.Split(rcpts, ",")...)
// ReplyTo sets the "Reply-To" address for the Msg, specifying where replies should be sent.
// This method takes a single email address as input and attempts to parse it. If the address is valid, it sets
// the "Reply-To" header in the message. The "Reply-To" address can be different from the "From" address,
// allowing the sender to specify an alternate address for responses. If the provided address cannot be parsed,
// an error will be returned, indicating the parsing failure.
// Parameters:
// - addr: The email address to set as the "Reply-To" address.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
func (m *Msg) ReplyTo(addr string) error {
replyTo, err := mail.ParseAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse reply-to address: %w", err)
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderReplyTo, replyTo.String())
return nil
// ReplyToFormat sets the "Reply-To" address for the Msg using the provided name and email address, specifying
// where replies should be sent.
// This method formats the name and email address into a single "Reply-To" header. If the formatted address is valid,
// it sets the "Reply-To" header in the message. This allows the sender to specify a display name along with the
// reply address, providing clarity for recipients. If the constructed address cannot be parsed, an error will
// be returned, indicating the parsing failure.
// Parameters:
// - name: The display name associated with the reply address.
// - addr: The email address to set as the "Reply-To" address.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
func (m *Msg) ReplyToFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.ReplyTo(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// Subject sets the "Subject" header for the Msg, specifying the topic of the message.
// This method takes a single string as input and sets it as the "Subject" of the email. The subject line provides
// a brief summary of the content of the message, allowing recipients to quickly understand its purpose.
// Parameters:
// - subj: The subject line of the email.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.5
func (m *Msg) Subject(subj string) {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderSubject, subj)
// SetMessageID generates and sets a unique "Message-ID" header for the Msg.
// This method creates a "Message-ID" string using the current process ID, random numbers, and the hostname
// of the machine. The generated ID helps uniquely identify the message in email systems, facilitating tracking
// and preventing duplication. If the hostname cannot be retrieved, it defaults to "localhost.localdomain".
// The generated Message-ID follows the format
// "<processID.randomNumberPrimary.randomNumberSecondary.randomString@hostname>".
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.4
func (m *Msg) SetMessageID() {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
hostname = "localhost.localdomain"
randNumPrimary := randNum(100000000)
randNumSecondary := randNum(10000)
randString, _ := randomStringSecure(17)
procID := os.Getpid() * randNumSecondary
messageID := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d%d.%s@%s", procID, randNumPrimary, randNumSecondary,
randString, hostname)
// GetMessageID retrieves the "Message-ID" header from the Msg.
// This method checks if a "Message-ID" has been set in the message's generated headers. If a valid "Message-ID"
// exists in the Msg, it returns the first occurrence of the header. If the "Message-ID" has not been set or
// is empty, it returns an empty string. This allows other components to access the unique identifier for the
// message, which is useful for tracking and referencing in email systems.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.4
func (m *Msg) GetMessageID() string {
if msgidheader, ok := m.genHeader[HeaderMessageID]; ok {
if len(msgidheader) > 0 {
return msgidheader[0]
return ""
// SetMessageIDWithValue sets the "Message-ID" header for the Msg using the provided messageID string.
// This method formats the input messageID by enclosing it in angle brackets ("<>") and sets it as the "Message-ID"
// header in the message. The "Message-ID" is a unique identifier for the email, helping email clients and servers
// to track and reference the message. There are no validations performed on the input messageID, so it should
// be in a suitable format for use as a Message-ID.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.4
func (m *Msg) SetMessageIDWithValue(messageID string) {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderMessageID, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", messageID))
// SetBulk sets the "Precedence: bulk" and "X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All" headers for the Msg,
// which are recommended for automated emails such as out-of-office replies.
// The "Precedence: bulk" header indicates that the message is a bulk email, and the "X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All"
// header instructs mail servers and clients to suppress automatic responses to this message.
// This is particularly useful for reducing unnecessary replies to automated notifications or replies.
// References:
// - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2076#section-3.9
// - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-oxcmail/ced68690-498a-4567-9d14-5c01f974d8b1#Appendix_A_Target_51
func (m *Msg) SetBulk() {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderPrecedence, "bulk")
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderXAutoResponseSuppress, "All")
// SetDate sets the "Date" header for the Msg to the current time in a valid RFC 1123 format.
// This method retrieves the current time and formats it according to RFC 1123, ensuring that the "Date"
// header is compliant with email standards. The "Date" header indicates when the message was created,
// providing recipients with context for the timing of the email.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.3
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1123
func (m *Msg) SetDate() {
now := time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123Z)
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderDate, now)
// SetDateWithValue sets the "Date" header for the Msg using the provided time value in a valid RFC 1123 format.
// This method takes a `time.Time` value as input and formats it according to RFC 1123, ensuring that the "Date"
// header is compliant with email standards. The "Date" header indicates when the message was created,
// providing recipients with context for the timing of the email. This allows for setting a custom date
// rather than using the current time.
// References:
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.3
// - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1123
func (m *Msg) SetDateWithValue(timeVal time.Time) {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderDate, timeVal.Format(time.RFC1123Z))
// SetImportance sets the "Importance" and "Priority" headers for the Msg to the specified Importance level.
// This method adjusts the email's importance based on the provided Importance value. If the importance level
// is set to `ImportanceNormal`, no headers are modified. Otherwise, it sets the "Importance", "Priority",
// "X-Priority", and "X-MSMail-Priority" headers accordingly, providing email clients with information on
// how to prioritize the message. This allows the sender to indicate the significance of the email to recipients.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2156
func (m *Msg) SetImportance(importance Importance) {
if importance == ImportanceNormal {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderImportance, importance.String())
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderPriority, importance.NumString())
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderXPriority, importance.XPrioString())
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderXMSMailPriority, importance.NumString())
// SetOrganization sets the "Organization" header for the Msg to the specified organization string.
// This method allows you to specify the organization associated with the email sender. The "Organization"
// header provides recipients with information about the organization that is sending the message.
// This can help establish context and credibility for the email communication.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
func (m *Msg) SetOrganization(org string) {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderOrganization, org)
// SetUserAgent sets the "User-Agent" and "X-Mailer" headers for the Msg to the specified user agent string.
// This method allows you to specify the user agent or mailer software used to send the email.
// The "User-Agent" and "X-Mailer" headers provide recipients with information about the email client
// or application that generated the message. This can be useful for identifying the source of the email,
// particularly for troubleshooting or filtering purposes.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.7
func (m *Msg) SetUserAgent(userAgent string) {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderUserAgent, userAgent)
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderXMailer, userAgent)
// IsDelivered indicates whether the Msg has been delivered.
// This method checks the internal state of the message to determine if it has been successfully
// delivered. It returns true if the message is marked as delivered and false otherwise.
// This can be useful for tracking the status of the email communication.
func (m *Msg) IsDelivered() bool {
return m.isDelivered
// RequestMDNTo adds the "Disposition-Notification-To" header to the Msg to request a Message Disposition
// Notification (MDN) from the receiving end, as specified in RFC 8098.
// This method allows you to provide a list of recipient addresses to receive the MDN.
// Each address is validated according to RFC 5322 standards. If ANY address is invalid, an error
// will be returned indicating the parsing failure. If the "Disposition-Notification-To" header
// is already set, it will be updated with the new list of addresses.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8098
func (m *Msg) RequestMDNTo(rcpts ...string) error {
var addresses []string
for _, addrVal := range rcpts {
address, err := mail.ParseAddress(addrVal)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errParseMailAddr, addrVal, err)
addresses = append(addresses, address.String())
if _, ok := m.genHeader[HeaderDispositionNotificationTo]; ok {
m.genHeader[HeaderDispositionNotificationTo] = addresses
return nil
// RequestMDNToFormat adds the "Disposition-Notification-To" header to the Msg to request a Message Disposition
// Notification (MDN) from the receiving end, as specified in RFC 8098.
// This method allows you to provide a recipient address along with a name, formatting it appropriately.
// Address validation is performed according to RFC 5322 standards. If the provided address is invalid,
// an error will be returned. This method internally calls RequestMDNTo to handle the actual setting of the header.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8098
func (m *Msg) RequestMDNToFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.RequestMDNTo(fmt.Sprintf(`%s <%s>`, name, addr))
// RequestMDNAddTo adds an additional recipient to the "Disposition-Notification-To" header for the Msg.
// This method allows you to append a new recipient address to the existing list of recipients for the
// MDN. The provided address is validated according to RFC 5322 standards. If the address is invalid,
// an error will be returned indicating the parsing failure. If the "Disposition-Notification-To"
// header is already set, the new recipient will be added to the existing list.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8098
func (m *Msg) RequestMDNAddTo(rcpt string) error {
address, err := mail.ParseAddress(rcpt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errParseMailAddr, rcpt, err)
var addresses []string
addresses = append(addresses, m.genHeader[HeaderDispositionNotificationTo]...)
addresses = append(addresses, address.String())
if _, ok := m.genHeader[HeaderDispositionNotificationTo]; ok {
m.genHeader[HeaderDispositionNotificationTo] = addresses
return nil
// RequestMDNAddToFormat adds an additional formatted recipient to the "Disposition-Notification-To"
// header for the Msg.
// This method allows you to specify a recipient address along with a name, formatting it appropriately
// before adding it to the existing list of recipients for the MDN. The formatted address is validated
// according to RFC 5322 standards. If the provided address is invalid, an error will be returned.
// This method internally calls RequestMDNAddTo to handle the actual addition of the recipient.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8098
func (m *Msg) RequestMDNAddToFormat(name, addr string) error {
return m.RequestMDNAddTo(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, name, addr))
// GetSender returns the currently set envelope "FROM" address for the Msg. If no envelope
// "FROM" address is set, it will use the first "FROM" address from the mail body. If the
// useFullAddr parameter is true, it will return the full address string, including the name
// if it is set.
// If neither the envelope "FROM" nor the body "FROM" addresses are available, it will return
// an error indicating that no "FROM" address is present.
// Parameters:
// - useFullAddr: A boolean indicating whether to return the full address string (including
// the name) or just the email address.
// Returns:
// - The sender's address as a string and an error if applicable.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
func (m *Msg) GetSender(useFullAddr bool) (string, error) {
from, ok := m.addrHeader[HeaderEnvelopeFrom]
if !ok || len(from) == 0 {
from, ok = m.addrHeader[HeaderFrom]
if !ok || len(from) == 0 {
return "", ErrNoFromAddress
if useFullAddr {
return from[0].String(), nil
return from[0].Address, nil
// GetRecipients returns a list of the currently set "TO", "CC", and "BCC" addresses for the Msg.
// This method aggregates recipients from the "TO", "CC", and "BCC" headers and returns them as a
// slice of strings. If no recipients are found in these headers, it will return an error indicating
// that no recipient addresses are present.
// Returns:
// - A slice of strings containing the recipients' addresses and an error if applicable.
// - If there are no recipient addresses set, it will return an error indicating no recipient
// addresses are available.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.3
func (m *Msg) GetRecipients() ([]string, error) {
var rcpts []string
for _, addressType := range []AddrHeader{HeaderTo, HeaderCc, HeaderBcc} {
addresses, ok := m.addrHeader[addressType]
if !ok || len(addresses) == 0 {
for _, r := range addresses {
rcpts = append(rcpts, r.Address)
if len(rcpts) <= 0 {
return rcpts, ErrNoRcptAddresses
return rcpts, nil
// GetAddrHeader returns the content of the requested address header for the Msg.
// This method retrieves the addresses associated with the specified address header. It returns a
// slice of pointers to mail.Address structures representing the addresses found in the header.
// If the requested header does not exist or contains no addresses, it will return nil.
// Parameters:
// - header: The AddrHeader enum value indicating which address header to retrieve (e.g., "TO",
// "CC", "BCC", etc.).
// Returns:
// - A slice of pointers to mail.Address structures containing the addresses from the specified
// header.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6
func (m *Msg) GetAddrHeader(header AddrHeader) []*mail.Address {
return m.addrHeader[header]
// GetAddrHeaderString returns the address strings of the requested address header for the Msg.
// This method retrieves the addresses associated with the specified address header and returns them
// as a slice of strings. Each address is formatted as a string, which includes both the name (if
// available) and the email address. If the requested header does not exist or contains no addresses,
// it will return an empty slice.
// Parameters:
// - header: The AddrHeader enum value indicating which address header to retrieve (e.g., "TO",
// "CC", "BCC", etc.).
// Returns:
// - A slice of strings containing the formatted addresses from the specified header.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.6
func (m *Msg) GetAddrHeaderString(header AddrHeader) []string {
var addresses []string
for _, mh := range m.addrHeader[header] {
addresses = append(addresses, mh.String())
return addresses
// GetFrom returns the content of the From address header of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetFrom() []*mail.Address {
return m.GetAddrHeader(HeaderFrom)
// GetFromString returns the content of the From address header of the Msg as string slice
func (m *Msg) GetFromString() []string {
return m.GetAddrHeaderString(HeaderFrom)
// GetTo returns the content of the To address header of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetTo() []*mail.Address {
return m.GetAddrHeader(HeaderTo)
// GetToString returns the content of the To address header of the Msg as string slice
func (m *Msg) GetToString() []string {
return m.GetAddrHeaderString(HeaderTo)
// GetCc returns the content of the Cc address header of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetCc() []*mail.Address {
return m.GetAddrHeader(HeaderCc)
// GetCcString returns the content of the Cc address header of the Msg as string slice
func (m *Msg) GetCcString() []string {
return m.GetAddrHeaderString(HeaderCc)
// GetBcc returns the content of the Bcc address header of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetBcc() []*mail.Address {
return m.GetAddrHeader(HeaderBcc)
// GetBccString returns the content of the Bcc address header of the Msg as string slice
func (m *Msg) GetBccString() []string {
return m.GetAddrHeaderString(HeaderBcc)
// GetGenHeader returns the content of the requested generic header of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetGenHeader(header Header) []string {
return m.genHeader[header]
// GetParts returns the message parts of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetParts() []*Part {
return m.parts
// GetAttachments returns the attachments of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetAttachments() []*File {
return m.attachments
// GetBoundary returns the boundary of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetBoundary() string {
return m.boundary
// SetAttachments sets the attachments of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetAttachments(files []*File) {
m.attachments = files
// SetAttachements sets the attachments of the message.
// Deprecated: use SetAttachments instead.
func (m *Msg) SetAttachements(files []*File) {
// UnsetAllAttachments unset the attachments of the message.
func (m *Msg) UnsetAllAttachments() {
m.attachments = nil
// GetEmbeds returns the embeds of the Msg
func (m *Msg) GetEmbeds() []*File {
return m.embeds
// SetEmbeds sets the embeds of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetEmbeds(files []*File) {
m.embeds = files
// UnsetAllEmbeds unset the embeds of the message.
func (m *Msg) UnsetAllEmbeds() {
m.embeds = nil
// UnsetAllParts unset the embeds and attachments of the message.
func (m *Msg) UnsetAllParts() {
// SetBodyString sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetBodyString(contentType ContentType, content string, opts ...PartOption) {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(content)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(buffer)
m.SetBodyWriter(contentType, writeFunc, opts...)
// SetBodyWriter sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetBodyWriter(
contentType ContentType, writeFunc func(io.Writer) (int64, error),
opts ...PartOption,
) {
p := m.newPart(contentType, opts...)
p.writeFunc = writeFunc
m.parts = []*Part{p}
// SetBodyHTMLTemplate sets the body of the message from a given html/template.Template pointer
// The content type will be set to text/html automatically
func (m *Msg) SetBodyHTMLTemplate(tpl *ht.Template, data interface{}, opts ...PartOption) error {
if tpl == nil {
return errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buffer, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(&buffer)
m.SetBodyWriter(TypeTextHTML, writeFunc, opts...)
return nil
// SetBodyTextTemplate sets the body of the message from a given text/template.Template pointer
// The content type will be set to text/plain automatically
func (m *Msg) SetBodyTextTemplate(tpl *tt.Template, data interface{}, opts ...PartOption) error {
if tpl == nil {
return errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buf, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(&buf)
m.SetBodyWriter(TypeTextPlain, writeFunc, opts...)
return nil
// AddAlternativeString sets the alternative body of the message.
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeString(contentType ContentType, content string, opts ...PartOption) {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(content)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(buffer)
m.AddAlternativeWriter(contentType, writeFunc, opts...)
// AddAlternativeWriter sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeWriter(
contentType ContentType, writeFunc func(io.Writer) (int64, error),
opts ...PartOption,
) {
part := m.newPart(contentType, opts...)
part.writeFunc = writeFunc
m.parts = append(m.parts, part)
// AddAlternativeHTMLTemplate sets the alternative body of the message to a html/template.Template output
// The content type will be set to text/html automatically
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeHTMLTemplate(tpl *ht.Template, data interface{}, opts ...PartOption) error {
if tpl == nil {
return errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buffer, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(&buffer)
m.AddAlternativeWriter(TypeTextHTML, writeFunc, opts...)
return nil
// AddAlternativeTextTemplate sets the alternative body of the message to a text/template.Template output
// The content type will be set to text/plain automatically
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeTextTemplate(tpl *tt.Template, data interface{}, opts ...PartOption) error {
if tpl == nil {
return errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buffer, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
writeFunc := writeFuncFromBuffer(&buffer)
m.AddAlternativeWriter(TypeTextPlain, writeFunc, opts...)
return nil
// AttachFile adds an attachment File to the Msg
func (m *Msg) AttachFile(name string, opts ...FileOption) {
file := fileFromFS(name)
if file == nil {
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
// AttachReader adds an attachment File via io.Reader to the Msg
// CAVEAT: For AttachReader to work it has to read all data of the io.Reader
// into memory first, so it can seek through it. Using larger amounts of
// data on the io.Reader should be avoided. For such, it is recommended to
// either use AttachFile or AttachReadSeeker instead
func (m *Msg) AttachReader(name string, reader io.Reader, opts ...FileOption) error {
file, err := fileFromReader(name, reader)
if err != nil {
return err
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
return nil
// AttachReadSeeker adds an attachment File via io.ReadSeeker to the Msg
func (m *Msg) AttachReadSeeker(name string, reader io.ReadSeeker, opts ...FileOption) {
file := fileFromReadSeeker(name, reader)
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
// AttachHTMLTemplate adds the output of a html/template.Template pointer as File attachment to the Msg
func (m *Msg) AttachHTMLTemplate(
name string, tpl *ht.Template, data interface{}, opts ...FileOption,
) error {
file, err := fileFromHTMLTemplate(name, tpl, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to attach template: %w", err)
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
return nil
// AttachTextTemplate adds the output of a text/template.Template pointer as File attachment to the Msg
func (m *Msg) AttachTextTemplate(
name string, tpl *tt.Template, data interface{}, opts ...FileOption,
) error {
file, err := fileFromTextTemplate(name, tpl, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to attach template: %w", err)
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
return nil
// AttachFromEmbedFS adds an attachment File from an embed.FS to the Msg
func (m *Msg) AttachFromEmbedFS(name string, fs *embed.FS, opts ...FileOption) error {
if fs == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("embed.FS must not be nil")
file, err := fileFromEmbedFS(name, fs)
if err != nil {
return err
m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, file, opts...)
return nil
// EmbedFile adds an embedded File to the Msg
func (m *Msg) EmbedFile(name string, opts ...FileOption) {
file := fileFromFS(name)
if file == nil {
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
// EmbedReader adds an embedded File from an io.Reader to the Msg
// CAVEAT: For EmbedReader to work it has to read all data of the io.Reader
// into memory first, so it can seek through it. Using larger amounts of
// data on the io.Reader should be avoided. For such, it is recommended to
// either use EmbedFile or EmbedReadSeeker instead
func (m *Msg) EmbedReader(name string, reader io.Reader, opts ...FileOption) error {
file, err := fileFromReader(name, reader)
if err != nil {
return err
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
return nil
// EmbedReadSeeker adds an embedded File from an io.ReadSeeker to the Msg
func (m *Msg) EmbedReadSeeker(name string, reader io.ReadSeeker, opts ...FileOption) {
file := fileFromReadSeeker(name, reader)
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
// EmbedHTMLTemplate adds the output of a html/template.Template pointer as embedded File to the Msg
func (m *Msg) EmbedHTMLTemplate(
name string, tpl *ht.Template, data interface{}, opts ...FileOption,
) error {
file, err := fileFromHTMLTemplate(name, tpl, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to embed template: %w", err)
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
return nil
// EmbedTextTemplate adds the output of a text/template.Template pointer as embedded File to the Msg
func (m *Msg) EmbedTextTemplate(
name string, tpl *tt.Template, data interface{}, opts ...FileOption,
) error {
file, err := fileFromTextTemplate(name, tpl, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to embed template: %w", err)
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
return nil
// EmbedFromEmbedFS adds an embedded File from an embed.FS to the Msg
func (m *Msg) EmbedFromEmbedFS(name string, fs *embed.FS, opts ...FileOption) error {
if fs == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("embed.FS must not be nil")
file, err := fileFromEmbedFS(name, fs)
if err != nil {
return err
m.embeds = m.appendFile(m.embeds, file, opts...)
return nil
// Reset resets all headers, body parts and attachments/embeds of the Msg
// It leaves already set encodings, charsets, boundaries, etc. as is
func (m *Msg) Reset() {
m.addrHeader = make(map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address)
m.attachments = nil
m.embeds = nil
m.genHeader = make(map[Header][]string)
m.parts = nil
// ApplyMiddlewares apply the list of middlewares to a Msg
func (m *Msg) applyMiddlewares(msg *Msg) *Msg {
for _, middleware := range m.middlewares {
msg = middleware.Handle(msg)
return msg
// WriteTo writes the formated Msg into a give io.Writer and satisfies the io.WriteTo interface
func (m *Msg) WriteTo(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
mw := &msgWriter{writer: writer, charset: m.charset, encoder: m.encoder}
return mw.bytesWritten, mw.err
// WriteToSkipMiddleware writes the formated Msg into a give io.Writer and satisfies
// the io.WriteTo interface but will skip the given Middleware
func (m *Msg) WriteToSkipMiddleware(writer io.Writer, middleWareType MiddlewareType) (int64, error) {
var origMiddlewares, middlewares []Middleware
origMiddlewares = m.middlewares
for i := range m.middlewares {
if m.middlewares[i].Type() == middleWareType {
middlewares = append(middlewares, m.middlewares[i])
m.middlewares = middlewares
mw := &msgWriter{writer: writer, charset: m.charset, encoder: m.encoder}
m.middlewares = origMiddlewares
return mw.bytesWritten, mw.err
// Write is an alias method to WriteTo due to compatibility reasons
func (m *Msg) Write(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
return m.WriteTo(writer)
// appendFile adds a File to the Msg (as attachment or embed)
func (m *Msg) appendFile(files []*File, file *File, opts ...FileOption) []*File {
// Override defaults with optionally provided FileOption functions
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
if files == nil {
return []*File{file}
return append(files, file)
// WriteToFile stores the Msg as file on disk. It will try to create the given filename
// Already existing files will be overwritten
func (m *Msg) WriteToFile(name string) error {
file, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create output file: %w", err)
defer func() { _ = file.Close() }()
_, err = m.WriteTo(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write to output file: %w", err)
return file.Close()
// WriteToSendmail returns WriteToSendmailWithCommand with a default sendmail path
func (m *Msg) WriteToSendmail() error {
return m.WriteToSendmailWithCommand(SendmailPath)
// WriteToSendmailWithCommand returns WriteToSendmailWithContext with a default timeout
// of 5 seconds and a given sendmail path
func (m *Msg) WriteToSendmailWithCommand(sendmailPath string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
return m.WriteToSendmailWithContext(ctx, sendmailPath)
// WriteToSendmailWithContext opens an pipe to the local sendmail binary and tries to send the
// mail though that. It takes a context.Context, the path to the sendmail binary and additional
// arguments for the sendmail binary as parameters
func (m *Msg) WriteToSendmailWithContext(ctx context.Context, sendmailPath string, args ...string) error {
cmdCtx := exec.CommandContext(ctx, sendmailPath)
cmdCtx.Args = append(cmdCtx.Args, "-oi", "-t")
cmdCtx.Args = append(cmdCtx.Args, args...)
stdErr, err := cmdCtx.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set STDERR pipe: %w", err)
stdIn, err := cmdCtx.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set STDIN pipe: %w", err)
if stdErr == nil || stdIn == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("received nil for STDERR or STDIN pipe")
// Start the execution and write to STDIN
if err = cmdCtx.Start(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not start sendmail execution: %w", err)
_, err = m.WriteTo(stdIn)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, syscall.EPIPE) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write mail to buffer: %w", err)
// Close STDIN and wait for completion or cancellation of the sendmail executable
if err = stdIn.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to close STDIN pipe: %w", err)
// Read the stderr pipe for possible errors
sendmailErr, err := io.ReadAll(stdErr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read STDERR pipe: %w", err)
if len(sendmailErr) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("sendmail command failed: %s", string(sendmailErr))
if err = cmdCtx.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sendmail command execution failed: %w", err)
return nil
// NewReader returns a Reader type that satisfies the io.Reader interface.
// IMPORTANT: when creating a new Reader, the current state of the Msg is taken, as
// basis for the Reader. If you perform changes on Msg after creating the Reader, these
// changes will not be reflected in the Reader. You will have to use Msg.UpdateReader
// first to update the Reader's buffer with the current Msg content
func (m *Msg) NewReader() *Reader {
reader := &Reader{}
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := m.Write(&buffer)
if err != nil {
reader.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to write Msg to Reader buffer: %w", err)
reader.buffer = buffer.Bytes()
return reader
// UpdateReader will update a Reader with the content of the given Msg and reset the
// Reader position to the start
func (m *Msg) UpdateReader(reader *Reader) {
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := m.Write(&buffer)
reader.buffer = buffer.Bytes()
reader.err = err
// HasSendError returns true if the Msg experienced an error during the message delivery and the
// sendError field of the Msg is not nil
func (m *Msg) HasSendError() bool {
return m.sendError != nil
// SendErrorIsTemp returns true if the Msg experienced an error during the message delivery and the
// corresponding error was of temporary nature and should be retried later
func (m *Msg) SendErrorIsTemp() bool {
var err *SendError
if errors.As(m.sendError, &err) && err != nil {
return err.isTemp
return false
// SendError returns the sendError field of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SendError() error {
return m.sendError
// addAddr adds an additional address to the given addrHeader of the Msg
func (m *Msg) addAddr(header AddrHeader, addr string) error {
var addresses []string
for _, address := range m.addrHeader[header] {
addresses = append(addresses, address.String())
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
return m.SetAddrHeader(header, addresses...)
// encodeString encodes a string based on the configured message encoder and the corresponding
// charset for the Msg
func (m *Msg) encodeString(str string) string {
return m.encoder.Encode(string(m.charset), str)
// hasAlt returns true if the Msg has more than one part
func (m *Msg) hasAlt() bool {
count := 0
for _, part := range m.parts {
if !part.isDeleted {
return count > 1 && m.pgptype == 0
// hasMixed returns true if the Msg has mixed parts
func (m *Msg) hasMixed() bool {
return m.pgptype == 0 && ((len(m.parts) > 0 && len(m.attachments) > 0) || len(m.attachments) > 1)
// hasRelated returns true if the Msg has related parts
func (m *Msg) hasRelated() bool {
return m.pgptype == 0 && ((len(m.parts) > 0 && len(m.embeds) > 0) || len(m.embeds) > 1)
// hasPGPType returns true if the Msg should be treated as PGP encoded message
func (m *Msg) hasPGPType() bool {
return m.pgptype > 0
// newPart returns a new Part for the Msg
func (m *Msg) newPart(contentType ContentType, opts ...PartOption) *Part {
p := &Part{
contentType: contentType,
charset: m.charset,
encoding: m.encoding,
// Override defaults with optionally provided MsgOption functions
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
return p
// setEncoder creates a new mime.WordEncoder based on the encoding setting of the message
func (m *Msg) setEncoder() {
m.encoder = getEncoder(m.encoding)
// checkUserAgent checks if a useragent/x-mailer is set and if not will set a default
// version string
func (m *Msg) checkUserAgent() {
if m.noDefaultUserAgent {
_, uaok := m.genHeader[HeaderUserAgent]
_, xmok := m.genHeader[HeaderXMailer]
if !uaok && !xmok {
m.SetUserAgent(fmt.Sprintf("go-mail v%s // https://github.com/wneessen/go-mail",
// addDefaultHeader sets some default headers, if they haven't been set before
func (m *Msg) addDefaultHeader() {
if _, ok := m.genHeader[HeaderDate]; !ok {
if _, ok := m.genHeader[HeaderMessageID]; !ok {
m.SetGenHeader(HeaderMIMEVersion, string(m.mimever))
// fileFromEmbedFS returns a File pointer from a given file in the provided embed.FS
func fileFromEmbedFS(name string, fs *embed.FS) (*File, error) {
_, err := fs.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open file from embed.FS: %w", err)
return &File{
Name: filepath.Base(name),
Header: make(map[string][]string),
Writer: func(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
file, err := fs.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
numBytes, err := io.Copy(writer, file)
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
return numBytes, fmt.Errorf("failed to copy file to io.Writer: %w", err)
return numBytes, file.Close()
}, nil
// fileFromFS returns a File pointer from a given file in the system's file system
func fileFromFS(name string) *File {
_, err := os.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &File{
Name: filepath.Base(name),
Header: make(map[string][]string),
Writer: func(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
file, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
numBytes, err := io.Copy(writer, file)
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
return numBytes, fmt.Errorf("failed to copy file to io.Writer: %w", err)
return numBytes, file.Close()
// fileFromReader returns a File pointer from a given io.Reader
func fileFromReader(name string, reader io.Reader) (*File, error) {
d, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return &File{}, err
byteReader := bytes.NewReader(d)
return &File{
Name: name,
Header: make(map[string][]string),
Writer: func(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
readBytes, copyErr := io.Copy(writer, byteReader)
if copyErr != nil {
return readBytes, copyErr
_, copyErr = byteReader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
return readBytes, copyErr
}, nil
// fileFromReadSeeker returns a File pointer from a given io.ReadSeeker
func fileFromReadSeeker(name string, reader io.ReadSeeker) *File {
return &File{
Name: name,
Header: make(map[string][]string),
Writer: func(writer io.Writer) (int64, error) {
readBytes, err := io.Copy(writer, reader)
if err != nil {
return readBytes, err
_, err = reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
return readBytes, err
// fileFromHTMLTemplate returns a File pointer form a given html/template.Template
func fileFromHTMLTemplate(name string, tpl *ht.Template, data interface{}) (*File, error) {
if tpl == nil {
return nil, errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buffer, data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
return fileFromReader(name, &buffer)
// fileFromTextTemplate returns a File pointer form a given text/template.Template
func fileFromTextTemplate(name string, tpl *tt.Template, data interface{}) (*File, error) {
if tpl == nil {
return nil, errors.New(errTplPointerNil)
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := tpl.Execute(&buffer, data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(errTplExecuteFailed, err)
return fileFromReader(name, &buffer)
// getEncoder creates a new mime.WordEncoder based on the encoding setting of the message
func getEncoder(enc Encoding) mime.WordEncoder {
switch enc {
case EncodingQP:
return mime.QEncoding
case EncodingB64:
return mime.BEncoding
return mime.QEncoding
// writeFuncFromBuffer is a common method to convert a byte buffer into a writeFunc as
// often required by this library
func writeFuncFromBuffer(buffer *bytes.Buffer) func(io.Writer) (int64, error) {
writeFunc := func(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
numBytes, err := w.Write(buffer.Bytes())
return int64(numBytes), err
return writeFunc