Winni Neessen 1a9141074a
Add References header field and improve string methods
Added "References" header field to cover more potential use cases and enhance versatility. This field will allow applications to track series of related messages.
Test for "References" field has also been added for validation.
Also included are string methods for Content-type objects with relevant tests, ensuring accurate string conversion. Unnecessary duplicate method of string conversion for Charset has been removed to streamline the code and improve readability.
2023-10-13 15:06:54 +02:00

182 lines
5 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 The go-mail Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package mail
// Header represents a generic mail header field name
type Header string
// AddrHeader represents a address related mail Header field name
type AddrHeader string
// Importance represents a Importance/Priority value string
type Importance int
// List of common generic header field names
const (
// HeaderContentDescription is the "Content-Description" header
HeaderContentDescription Header = "Content-Description"
// HeaderContentDisposition is the "Content-Disposition" header
HeaderContentDisposition Header = "Content-Disposition"
// HeaderContentID is the "Content-ID" header
HeaderContentID Header = "Content-ID"
// HeaderContentLang is the "Content-Language" header
HeaderContentLang Header = "Content-Language"
// HeaderContentLocation is the "Content-Location" header (RFC 2110)
HeaderContentLocation Header = "Content-Location"
// HeaderContentTransferEnc is the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header
HeaderContentTransferEnc Header = "Content-Transfer-Encoding"
// HeaderContentType is the "Content-Type" header
HeaderContentType Header = "Content-Type"
// HeaderDate represents the "Date" field
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc822#section-5.1
HeaderDate Header = "Date"
// HeaderDispositionNotificationTo is the MDN header as described in RFC8098
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8098.html#section-2.1
HeaderDispositionNotificationTo Header = "Disposition-Notification-To"
// HeaderImportance represents the "Importance" field
HeaderImportance Header = "Importance"
// HeaderInReplyTo represents the "In-Reply-To" field
HeaderInReplyTo Header = "In-Reply-To"
// HeaderListUnsubscribe is the "List-Unsubscribe" header field
HeaderListUnsubscribe Header = "List-Unsubscribe"
// HeaderListUnsubscribePost is the "List-Unsubscribe-Post" header field
HeaderListUnsubscribePost Header = "List-Unsubscribe-Post"
// HeaderMessageID represents the "Message-ID" field for message identification
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1036#section-2.1.5
HeaderMessageID Header = "Message-ID"
// HeaderMIMEVersion represents the "MIME-Version" field as per RFC 2045
// See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2045#section-4
HeaderMIMEVersion Header = "MIME-Version"
// HeaderOrganization is the "Organization" header field
HeaderOrganization Header = "Organization"
// HeaderPrecedence is the "Precedence" header field
HeaderPrecedence Header = "Precedence"
// HeaderPriority represents the "Priority" field
HeaderPriority Header = "Priority"
// HeaderReferences is the "References" header field
HeaderReferences Header = "References"
// HeaderReplyTo is the "Reply-To" header field
HeaderReplyTo Header = "Reply-To"
// HeaderSubject is the "Subject" header field
HeaderSubject Header = "Subject"
// HeaderUserAgent is the "User-Agent" header field
HeaderUserAgent Header = "User-Agent"
// HeaderXMailer is the "X-Mailer" header field
HeaderXMailer Header = "X-Mailer"
// HeaderXMSMailPriority is the "X-MSMail-Priority" header field
HeaderXMSMailPriority Header = "X-MSMail-Priority"
// HeaderXPriority is the "X-Priority" header field
HeaderXPriority Header = "X-Priority"
// List of common address header field names
const (
// HeaderBcc is the "Blind Carbon Copy" header field
HeaderBcc AddrHeader = "Bcc"
// HeaderCc is the "Carbon Copy" header field
HeaderCc AddrHeader = "Cc"
// HeaderEnvelopeFrom is the envelope FROM header field
// It's not included in the mail body but only used by the Client for the envelope
HeaderEnvelopeFrom AddrHeader = "EnvelopeFrom"
// HeaderFrom is the "From" header field
HeaderFrom AddrHeader = "From"
// HeaderTo is the "Receipient" header field
HeaderTo AddrHeader = "To"
// List of Importance values
const (
ImportanceLow Importance = iota
// NumString returns the importance number string based on the Importance
func (i Importance) NumString() string {
switch i {
case ImportanceNonUrgent:
return "0"
case ImportanceLow:
return "0"
case ImportanceHigh:
return "1"
case ImportanceUrgent:
return "1"
return ""
// XPrioString returns the X-Priority number string based on the Importance
func (i Importance) XPrioString() string {
switch i {
case ImportanceNonUrgent:
return "5"
case ImportanceLow:
return "5"
case ImportanceHigh:
return "1"
case ImportanceUrgent:
return "1"
return ""
// String returns the importance string based on the Importance
func (i Importance) String() string {
switch i {
case ImportanceNonUrgent:
return "non-urgent"
case ImportanceLow:
return "low"
case ImportanceHigh:
return "high"
case ImportanceUrgent:
return "urgent"
return ""
// String returns the header string based on the given Header
func (h Header) String() string {
return string(h)
// String returns the address header string based on the given AddrHeader
func (a AddrHeader) String() string {
return string(a)