2022-03-13 17:58:47 +01:00

432 lines
11 KiB

package mail
import (
var (
// ErrNoFromAddress should be used when a FROM address is requrested but not set
ErrNoFromAddress = errors.New("no FROM address set")
// ErrNoRcptAddresses should be used when the list of RCPTs is empty
ErrNoRcptAddresses = errors.New("no recipient addresses set")
// Msg is the mail message struct
type Msg struct {
// addrHeader is a slice of strings that the different mail AddrHeader fields
addrHeader map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address
// boundary is the MIME content boundary
boundary string
// charset represents the charset of the mail (defaults to UTF-8)
charset Charset
// encoding represents the message encoding (the encoder will be a corresponding WordEncoder)
encoding Encoding
// encoder represents a mime.WordEncoder from the std lib
encoder mime.WordEncoder
// genHeader is a slice of strings that the different generic mail Header fields
genHeader map[Header][]string
// mimever represents the MIME version
mimever MIMEVersion
// parts represent the different parts of the Msg
parts []*Part
// Part is a part of the Msg
type Part struct {
w func(io.Writer) error
ctype ContentType
enc Encoding
// PartOption returns a function that can be used for grouping Part options
type PartOption func(*Part)
// MsgOption returns a function that can be used for grouping Msg options
type MsgOption func(*Msg)
// NewMsg returns a new Msg pointer
func NewMsg(o ...MsgOption) *Msg {
m := &Msg{
addrHeader: make(map[AddrHeader][]*mail.Address),
charset: CharsetUTF8,
encoding: EncodingQP,
genHeader: make(map[Header][]string),
mimever: Mime10,
// Override defaults with optionally provided MsgOption functions
for _, co := range o {
if co == nil {
// Set the matcing mime.WordEncoder for the Msg
return m
// WithCharset overrides the default message charset
func WithCharset(c Charset) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.charset = c
// WithEncoding overrides the default message encoding
func WithEncoding(e Encoding) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.encoding = e
// WithMIMEVersion overrides the default MIME version
func WithMIMEVersion(mv MIMEVersion) MsgOption {
return func(m *Msg) {
m.mimever = mv
// SetCharset sets the encoding charset of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetCharset(c Charset) {
m.charset = c
// SetEncoding sets the encoding of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetEncoding(e Encoding) {
m.encoding = e
// SetBoundary sets the boundary of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetBoundary(b string) {
m.boundary = b
// SetMIMEVersion sets the MIME version of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetMIMEVersion(mv MIMEVersion) {
m.mimever = mv
// Encoding returns the currently set encoding of the Msg
func (m *Msg) Encoding() string {
return m.encoding.String()
// Charset returns the currently set charset of the Msg
func (m *Msg) Charset() string {
return m.charset.String()
// SetHeader sets a generic header field of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetHeader(h Header, v ...string) {
for i, hv := range v {
v[i] = m.encodeString(hv)
m.genHeader[h] = v
// SetAddrHeader sets an address related header field of the Msg
func (m *Msg) SetAddrHeader(h AddrHeader, v ...string) error {
var al []*mail.Address
for _, av := range v {
a, err := mail.ParseAddress(m.encodeString(av))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse mail address header %q: %w", av, err)
al = append(al, a)
switch h {
case HeaderFrom:
m.addrHeader[h] = []*mail.Address{al[0]}
m.addrHeader[h] = al
return nil
// SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid sets an address related header field of the Msg and ignores invalid address
// in the validation process
func (m *Msg) SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(h AddrHeader, v ...string) {
var al []*mail.Address
for _, av := range v {
a, err := mail.ParseAddress(m.encodeString(av))
if err != nil {
al = append(al, a)
m.addrHeader[h] = al
// From takes and validates a given mail address and sets it as "From" genHeader of the Msg
func (m *Msg) From(f string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderFrom, f)
// FromFormat takes a name and address, formats them RFC5322 compliant and stores them as
// the From address header field
func (m *Msg) FromFormat(n, a string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderFrom, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, n, a))
// To takes and validates a given mail address list sets the To: addresses of the Msg
func (m *Msg) To(t ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderTo, t...)
// AddTo adds an additional address to the To address header field
func (m *Msg) AddTo(t string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderTo, t)
// AddToFormat takes a name and address, formats them RFC5322 compliant and stores them as
// as additional To address header field
func (m *Msg) AddToFormat(n, a string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderTo, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, n, a))
// ToIgnoreInvalid takes and validates a given mail address list sets the To: addresses of the Msg
// Any provided address that is not RFC5322 compliant, will be ignored
func (m *Msg) ToIgnoreInvalid(t ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderTo, t...)
// Cc takes and validates a given mail address list sets the Cc: addresses of the Msg
func (m *Msg) Cc(c ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderCc, c...)
// AddCc adds an additional address to the Cc address header field
func (m *Msg) AddCc(t string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderCc, t)
// AddCcFormat takes a name and address, formats them RFC5322 compliant and stores them as
// as additional Cc address header field
func (m *Msg) AddCcFormat(n, a string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderCc, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, n, a))
// CcIgnoreInvalid takes and validates a given mail address list sets the Cc: addresses of the Msg
// Any provided address that is not RFC5322 compliant, will be ignored
func (m *Msg) CcIgnoreInvalid(c ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderCc, c...)
// Bcc takes and validates a given mail address list sets the Bcc: addresses of the Msg
func (m *Msg) Bcc(b ...string) error {
return m.SetAddrHeader(HeaderBcc, b...)
// AddBcc adds an additional address to the Bcc address header field
func (m *Msg) AddBcc(t string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderBcc, t)
// AddBccFormat takes a name and address, formats them RFC5322 compliant and stores them as
// as additional Bcc address header field
func (m *Msg) AddBccFormat(n, a string) error {
return m.addAddr(HeaderBcc, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" <%s>`, n, a))
// BccIgnoreInvalid takes and validates a given mail address list sets the Bcc: addresses of the Msg
// Any provided address that is not RFC5322 compliant, will be ignored
func (m *Msg) BccIgnoreInvalid(b ...string) {
m.SetAddrHeaderIgnoreInvalid(HeaderBcc, b...)
// addAddr adds an additional address to the given addrHeader of the Msg
func (m *Msg) addAddr(h AddrHeader, a string) error {
var al []string
for _, ca := range m.addrHeader[h] {
al = append(al, ca.String())
al = append(al, a)
return m.SetAddrHeader(h, al...)
// Subject sets the "Subject" header field of the Msg
func (m *Msg) Subject(s string) {
m.SetHeader(HeaderSubject, s)
// SetMessageID generates a random message id for the mail
func (m *Msg) SetMessageID() {
hn, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
hn = "localhost.localdomain"
ct := time.Now().Unix()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(ct))
rn := r.Int()
pid := os.Getpid()
mid := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d@%s", pid, rn, ct, hn)
// SetMessageIDWithValue sets the message id for the mail
func (m *Msg) SetMessageIDWithValue(v string) {
m.SetHeader(HeaderMessageID, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", v))
// SetBulk sets the "Precedence: bulk" genHeader which is recommended for
// automated mails like OOO replies
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2076#section-3.9
func (m *Msg) SetBulk() {
m.SetHeader(HeaderPrecedence, "bulk")
// SetDate sets the Date genHeader field to the current time in a valid format
func (m *Msg) SetDate() {
ts := time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123Z)
m.SetHeader(HeaderDate, ts)
// GetSender returns the currently set FROM address. If f is true, it will return the full
// address string including the address name, if set
func (m *Msg) GetSender(ff bool) (string, error) {
f, ok := m.addrHeader[HeaderFrom]
if !ok || len(f) == 0 {
return "", ErrNoFromAddress
if ff {
return f[0].String(), nil
return f[0].Address, nil
// GetRecipients returns a list of the currently set TO/CC/BCC addresses.
func (m *Msg) GetRecipients() ([]string, error) {
var rl []string
for _, t := range []AddrHeader{HeaderTo, HeaderCc, HeaderBcc} {
al, ok := m.addrHeader[t]
if !ok || len(al) == 0 {
for _, r := range al {
rl = append(rl, r.Address)
if len(rl) <= 0 {
return rl, ErrNoRcptAddresses
return rl, nil
// SetBodyString sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetBodyString(ct ContentType, b string, o ...PartOption) {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString(b)
w := func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := io.Copy(w, buf)
return err
m.SetBodyWriter(ct, w, o...)
// SetBodyWriter sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) SetBodyWriter(ct ContentType, w func(io.Writer) error, o ...PartOption) {
p := m.NewPart(ct, o...)
p.w = w
m.parts = []*Part{p}
// AddAlternativeString sets the alternative body of the message.
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeString(ct ContentType, b string, o ...PartOption) {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString(b)
w := func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := io.Copy(w, buf)
return err
m.AddAlternativeWriter(ct, w, o...)
// AddAlternativeWriter sets the body of the message.
func (m *Msg) AddAlternativeWriter(ct ContentType, w func(io.Writer) error, o ...PartOption) {
p := m.NewPart(ct, o...)
p.w = w
m.parts = append(m.parts, p)
// Write writes the formated Msg into a give io.Writer
func (m *Msg) Write(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
mw := &msgWriter{w: w}
return mw.n, mw.err
// NewPart returns a new Part for the Msg
func (m *Msg) NewPart(ct ContentType, o ...PartOption) *Part {
p := &Part{
ctype: ct,
enc: m.encoding,
// Override defaults with optionally provided MsgOption functions
for _, co := range o {
if co == nil {
return p
// WithPartEncoding overrides the default Part encoding
func WithPartEncoding(e Encoding) PartOption {
return func(p *Part) {
p.enc = e
// SetEncoding creates a new mime.WordEncoder based on the encoding setting of the message
func (p *Part) SetEncoding(e Encoding) {
p.enc = e
// setEncoder creates a new mime.WordEncoder based on the encoding setting of the message
func (m *Msg) setEncoder() {
m.encoder = getEncoder(m.encoding)
// getEncoder creates a new mime.WordEncoder based on the encoding setting of the message
func getEncoder(e Encoding) mime.WordEncoder {
switch e {
case EncodingQP:
return mime.QEncoding
case EncodingB64:
return mime.BEncoding
return mime.QEncoding
// encodeString encodes a string based on the configured message encoder and the corresponding
// charset for the Msg
func (m *Msg) encodeString(s string) string {
return m.encoder.Encode(string(m.charset), s)
// hasAlt returns true if the Msg has more than one part
func (m *Msg) hasAlt() bool {
return len(m.parts) > 1