Winni Neessen e7f8662347
Update precision constants in station.go
Refined precision constants in station.go for better clarity and maintainability. Comment descriptions for each precision level have been expanded for better understanding. Strings have been introduced as constants to represent each precision level, enhancing code readability and preventing inconsistencies. Changes are also done to the UnmarshalJSON() and String() of the Precision type to use these new string constants improving overall code quality.
2023-06-27 19:21:24 +02:00

213 lines
7.4 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Winni Neessen <wn@neessen.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package meteologix
import (
// DefaultRadius is the default radius value that is used in the
// station search
const DefaultRadius int = 10
const (
// PrecisionSuperHigh represents the precision level of data corresponding
// to a resolution of less than or approximately equal to 4 kilometers.
// This is the highest level of precision, usually associated with highly
// detailed measurements or observations.
PrecisionSuperHigh Precision = iota
// PrecisionHigh represents the precision level of data corresponding to a
// resolution between 4 kilometers and 10 kilometers. This is a high precision
// level, suitable for most operational needs that require a balance between
// detail and processing requirements.
// PrecisionStandard represents the precision level of data corresponding to
// a resolution of 10 kilometers or more. This is the standard level of
// precision, generally used for large-scale analysis and modeling.
// PrecisionUnknown is used when the precision level of a weather station
// is unknown. This constant can be used as a placeholder when the resolution
// data is not available.
// Precision levels defined as strings to allow for clear, consistent
// use throughout the application.
const (
// PrecisionStringSuperHigh represents the super high precision level string.
PrecisionStringSuperHigh = "SUPER_HIGH"
// PrecisionStringHigh represents the high precision level string.
PrecisionStringHigh = "HIGH"
// PrecisionStringStandard represents the standard precision level string.
PrecisionStringStandard = "STANDARD"
// PrecisionStringUnknown represents an unknown precision level string.
PrecisionStringUnknown = "UNKNOWN"
var (
// ErrRadiusTooSmall is returned if a given radius value is too small
ErrRadiusTooSmall = errors.New("given radius is too small")
// ErrNoStationFound is returned if a station search did not return any results
ErrNoStationFound = errors.New("no station found in requested location")
// Station is a weather station as returned by the Meteologix API
type Station struct {
// Altitude is the altitude of the station
Altitude int `json:"alt"`
// Distance is the distatnce of the station to the provided coordinates
Distance float64 `json:"distance"`
// ID is the station ID
ID string `json:"id"`
// Latitude is the latitude of the station
Latitude float64 `json:"lat"`
// Longitude is the latitude of the station
Longitude float64 `json:"lon"`
// Name is the name or location of the station
Name string `json:"name"`
// Precision is the precision string returned by the API
Precision *Precision `json:"precision,omitempty"`
// RecentlyActive represents if the station was recently active
RecentlyActive bool `json:"recentlyActive"`
// Type is the type of weather station
Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Precision is a type wrapper for an int type
type Precision int
// StationSearchByCoordinates returns a list of available weather stations
// based on the given latitude, longitude coordinates within the default
// radius
// Results will be sorted by distance to the requested coordinates.
// Depending on your subscription you may have access to one, two or
// unlimited locations for station observations.
// Finding a station with his endpoint does not automatically mean
// that you are allowed to get all data from this station.
// See: https://api.kachelmannwetter.com/v02/_doc.html#/operations/get_station_search
func (c *Client) StationSearchByCoordinates(la, lo float64) ([]Station, error) {
return c.StationSearchByCoordinatesWithinRadius(la, lo, DefaultRadius)
// StationSearchByLocation returns a list of available weather stations
// based on the given location string within the default radius
// # Results will be sorted by distance to the requested location
// Depending on your subscription you may have access to one, two or
// unlimited locations for station observations.
// Finding a station with his endpoint does not automatically mean
// that you are allowed to get all data from this station.
// See: https://api.kachelmannwetter.com/v02/_doc.html#/operations/get_station_search
func (c *Client) StationSearchByLocation(lo string) ([]Station, error) {
return c.StationSearchByLocationWithinRadius(lo, DefaultRadius)
// StationSearchByLocationWithinRadius returns a list of available weather
// stations based on the given location string and radius.
// Results will be sorted by distance to the requested location.
// Depending on your subscription you may have access to one, two or
// unlimited locations for station observations.
// Finding a station with his endpoint does not automatically mean
// that you are allowed to get all data from this station.
// See: https://api.kachelmannwetter.com/v02/_doc.html#/operations/get_station_search
func (c *Client) StationSearchByLocationWithinRadius(lo string, ra int) ([]Station, error) {
l, err := c.GetGeoLocationByName(lo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed too look up location details: %w", err)
return c.StationSearchByCoordinatesWithinRadius(l.Latitude, l.Longitude, ra)
// StationSearchByCoordinatesWithinRadius returns a list of available weather stations
// based on the given latitude, longitude coordinates and radius.
// Results will be sorted by distance to the requested coordinates.
// Depending on your subscription you may have access to one, two or
// unlimited locations for station observations.
// Finding a station with his endpoint does not automatically mean
// that you are allowed to get all data from this station.
// See: https://api.kachelmannwetter.com/v02/_doc.html#/operations/get_station_search
func (c *Client) StationSearchByCoordinatesWithinRadius(la, lo float64, ra int) ([]Station, error) {
if ra < 1 {
return nil, ErrRadiusTooSmall
u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s/station/search/%f/%f",
c.config.apiURL, la, lo))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse station search URL: %w", err)
uq := u.Query()
uq.Add("radius", fmt.Sprintf("%d", ra))
u.RawQuery = uq.Encode()
r, err := c.httpClient.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("API request failed: %w", err)
var sl []Station
if err := json.Unmarshal(r, &sl); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal API response JSON: %w", err)
if len(sl) < 1 {
return nil, ErrNoStationFound
sort.SliceStable(sl, func(i, j int) bool { return sl[i].Distance < sl[j].Distance })
return sl, nil
// UnmarshalJSON method for converting API precision responses into
// StationPrecision types
func (p *Precision) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) error {
v := string(s)
v = strings.ReplaceAll(v, `"`, ``)
switch strings.ToUpper(v) {
case PrecisionStringSuperHigh:
*p = PrecisionSuperHigh
case PrecisionStringHigh:
*p = PrecisionHigh
case PrecisionStringStandard:
*p = PrecisionStandard
*p = PrecisionUnknown
return nil
// String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface for the Precision type
func (p *Precision) String() string {
switch *p {
case PrecisionSuperHigh:
return PrecisionStringSuperHigh
case PrecisionHigh:
return PrecisionStringHigh
case PrecisionStandard:
return PrecisionStringStandard
case PrecisionUnknown:
return PrecisionStringUnknown
return PrecisionStringUnknown