Introduced an Actions interface for plugins in 'action.go' and implemented a corresponding registry in 'registry.go'. Additionally, adjusted rule related behavior in 'Server' to account for actions, with relevant new fields in Ruleset and Rule. This enables multiple actions on a log message based on defined rules and further modularises the codebase, paving the path for addition of more plugin actions.
The Ruleset struct has been updated to include a 'HostMatch' field. A corresponding conditional block to handle 'HostMatch' was added in the 'Server' object's ruleset cycle. This allows the rules to include host-specific matches and debug information about matches found. Further expansion of this functionality can enable detailed rule application based on the target host.
Added a Ruleset configuration to the logranger application, along with associated error handling. The code now loads a ruleset file from configuration, checks for duplicate rules, and logs each rule as it is found. The ruleset is also integrated within the server setup. The PIDFile now includes a default RuleFile reference in config.go.