Winni Neessen 68b1544125
Add SHA hashing and base64 encoding methods to template
Implemented new template functions to allow conversion of strings to SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512 hash formats, as well as base64 encoding. These changes include the creation of the SHAAlgo type and associated constants representing different SHA algorithms. The additional functionality will enhance template handling by adding more options for string encryption and encoding.
2023-12-23 22:00:23 +01:00

142 lines
3.7 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Winni Neessen <wn@neessen.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package template
import (
// SHAAlgo is a enum-like type wrapper representing a SHA algorithm
type SHAAlgo uint
const (
// SHA1 is a constant of type SHAAlgo, representing the SHA-1 algorithm.
SHA1 SHAAlgo = iota
// SHA256 is a constant of type SHAAlgo, representing the SHA-256 algorithm.
// SHA512 is a constant of type SHAAlgo, representing the SHA-512 algorithm.
// FuncMap represents a mapping of function names to their corresponding
// functions.
// It is used to define custom functions that can be accessed in Go
// templates.
type FuncMap struct{}
// Compile compiles a template string using a given LogMsg, match group,
// and output template.
// It replaces special characters in the output template and creates a
// new template, named "template", with custom template functions from
// the FuncMap. It then populates a map with values from the LogMsg
// and current time and executes the template using the map as the
// data source. The compiled template result or an error is returned.
func Compile(lm parsesyslog.LogMsg, mg []string, ot string) (string, error) {
pt := strings.Builder{}
fm := NewTemplateFuncMap()
ot = strings.ReplaceAll(ot, `\n`, "\n")
ot = strings.ReplaceAll(ot, `\t`, "\t")
ot = strings.ReplaceAll(ot, `\r`, "\r")
tpl, err := template.New("template").Funcs(fm).Parse(ot)
if err != nil {
return pt.String(), fmt.Errorf("failed to create template: %w", err)
dm := make(map[string]any)
dm["match"] = mg
dm["hostname"] = lm.Hostname
dm["timestamp"] = lm.Timestamp
dm["now_rfc3339"] = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
dm["now_unix"] = time.Now().Unix()
dm["severity"] = lm.Severity.String()
dm["facility"] = lm.Facility.String()
dm["appname"] = lm.AppName
dm["original_message"] = lm.Message
if err = tpl.Execute(&pt, dm); err != nil {
return pt.String(), fmt.Errorf("failed to compile template: %w", err)
return pt.String(), nil
// NewTemplateFuncMap creates a new template function map by returning a
// template.FuncMap.
func NewTemplateFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
fm := FuncMap{}
return template.FuncMap{
"_ToLower": fm.ToLower,
"_ToUpper": fm.ToUpper,
"_ToBase64": fm.ToBase64,
"_ToSHA1": fm.ToSHA1,
"_ToSHA256": fm.ToSHA256,
"_ToSHA512": fm.ToSHA512,
// ToLower returns a given string as lower-case representation
func (*FuncMap) ToLower(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(s)
// ToUpper returns a given string as upper-case representation
func (*FuncMap) ToUpper(s string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(s)
// ToBase64 returns the base64 encoding of a given string.
func (*FuncMap) ToBase64(s string) string {
return base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s))
// ToSHA1 returns the SHA-1 hash of the given string
func (*FuncMap) ToSHA1(s string) string {
return toSHA(s, SHA1)
// ToSHA256 returns the SHA-256 hash of the given string
func (*FuncMap) ToSHA256(s string) string {
return toSHA(s, SHA256)
// ToSHA512 returns the SHA-512 hash of the given string
func (*FuncMap) ToSHA512(s string) string {
return toSHA(s, SHA512)
// toSHA is a function that converts a string to a SHA hash.
// The function takes two parameters: a string 's' and a 'sa' of
// type SHAAlgo which defines the SHA algorithm to be used.
func toSHA(s string, sa SHAAlgo) string {
var h hash.Hash
switch sa {
case SHA1:
h = sha1.New()
case SHA256:
h = sha256.New()
case SHA512:
h = sha512.New()
return ""
_, err := io.WriteString(h, s)
if err != nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))