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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Winni Neessen <wn@neessen.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package apg
import (
const (
// 7 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxBits = 7
// All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1
// # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits)
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits
// maxInt32 is the maximum positive value for a int32 number type
const maxInt32 = 2147483647
var (
// ErrInvalidLength is returned if the provided maximum number is equal or less than zero
ErrInvalidLength = errors.New("provided length value cannot be zero or less")
// ErrLengthMismatch is returned if the number of generated bytes does not match the expected length
ErrLengthMismatch = errors.New("number of generated random bytes does not match the expected length")
// ErrInvalidCharRange is returned if the given range of characters is not valid
ErrInvalidCharRange = errors.New("provided character range is not valid or empty")
// CoinFlip performs a simple coinflip based on the rand library and returns 1 or 0
func (g *Generator) CoinFlip() int64 {
coinFlip, _ := g.RandNum(2)
return coinFlip
// CoinFlipBool performs a simple coinflip based on the rand library and returns true or false
func (g *Generator) CoinFlipBool() bool {
return g.CoinFlip() == 1
// Generate generates a password based on all the different config flags and returns
// it as string type. If the generation fails, an error will be thrown
func (g *Generator) Generate() (string, error) {
switch g.config.Algorithm {
case AlgoPronounceable:
return g.generatePronounceable()
case AlgoCoinFlip:
return g.generateCoinFlip()
case AlgoRandom:
return g.generateRandom()
case AlgoBinary:
return g.generateBinary()
case AlgoUnsupported:
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported algorithm")
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported algorithm")
// GetCharRangeFromConfig checks the Mode from the Config and returns a
// list of all possible characters that are supported by these Mode
func (g *Generator) GetCharRangeFromConfig() string {
charRange := strings.Builder{}
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeLowerCase) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeNumeric) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeSpecial) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeUpperCase) {
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
if g.config.ExcludeChars != "" {
rex, err := regexp.Compile("[" + regexp.QuoteMeta(g.config.ExcludeChars) + "]")
if err == nil {
newRange := rex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(charRange.String(), "")
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to exclude characters: %s\n", err)
return charRange.String()
// GetPasswordLength returns the password length based on the given config
// parameters
func (g *Generator) GetPasswordLength() (int64, error) {
if g.config.FixedLength > 0 {
return g.config.FixedLength, nil
minLength := g.config.MinLength
maxLength := g.config.MaxLength
if minLength > maxLength {
maxLength = minLength
diff := maxLength - minLength + 1
randNum, err := g.RandNum(diff)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
length := minLength + randNum
if length <= 0 {
return 1, nil
return length, nil
// RandomBytes returns a byte slice of random bytes with given length that got generated by
// the crypto/rand generator
func (g *Generator) RandomBytes(length int64) ([]byte, error) {
if length < 1 {
return nil, ErrInvalidLength
bytes := make([]byte, length)
numBytes, err := rand.Read(bytes)
if int64(numBytes) != length {
return nil, ErrLengthMismatch
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes, nil
// RandNum generates a random, non-negative number with given maximum value
func (g *Generator) RandNum(max int64) (int64, error) {
if max < 1 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLength
max64 := big.NewInt(max)
randNum, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, max64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("random number generation failed: %w", err)
return randNum.Int64(), nil
// RandomStringFromCharRange returns a random string of length l based of the range of characters given.
// The method makes use of the crypto/random package and therfore is
// cryptographically secure
func (g *Generator) RandomStringFromCharRange(length int64, charRange string) (string, error) {
if length < 1 {
return "", ErrInvalidLength
if len(charRange) < 1 {
return "", ErrInvalidCharRange
randString := strings.Builder{}
// As long as the length is smaller than the max. int32 value let's grow
// the string builder to the actual size, so we need less allocations
if length <= maxInt32 {
charRangeLength := len(charRange)
randPool := make([]byte, 8)
_, err := rand.Read(randPool)
if err != nil {
return randString.String(), err
for idx, char, rest := length-1, binary.BigEndian.Uint64(randPool), letterIdxMax; idx >= 0; {
if rest == 0 {
_, err = rand.Read(randPool)
if err != nil {
return randString.String(), err
char, rest = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(randPool), letterIdxMax
if i := int(char & letterIdxMask); i < charRangeLength {
char >>= letterIdxBits
return randString.String(), nil
// checkMinimumRequirements checks if a password meets the minimum requirements specified in the
// generator's configuration. It returns true if the password meets the requirements, otherwise it
// returns false.
// The minimum requirements for each character type (lowercase, numeric, special, uppercase) are
// checked independently. For each character type, the corresponding character range is determined
// based on the generator's configuration. The password is then checked for the presence of each
// character in the character range, and a count is maintained.
func (g *Generator) checkMinimumRequirements(password string) bool {
ok := true
if g.config.MinLowerCase > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeAlphaLowerHuman
charRange = CharRangeAlphaLower
matchesMinimumAmount(charRange, password, g.config.MinLowerCase, &ok)
if g.config.MinNumeric > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeNumericHuman
charRange = CharRangeNumeric
matchesMinimumAmount(charRange, password, g.config.MinNumeric, &ok)
if g.config.MinSpecial > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeSpecialHuman
charRange = CharRangeSpecial
matchesMinimumAmount(charRange, password, g.config.MinSpecial, &ok)
if g.config.MinUpperCase > 0 {
var charRange string
switch MaskHasMode(g.config.Mode, ModeHumanReadable) {
case true:
charRange = CharRangeAlphaUpperHuman
charRange = CharRangeAlphaUpper
matchesMinimumAmount(charRange, password, g.config.MinUpperCase, &ok)
return ok
// generateCoinFlip is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoCoinFlip
func (g *Generator) generateCoinFlip() (string, error) {
if g.CoinFlipBool() {
return "Heads", nil
return "Tails", nil
// generatePronounceable is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoPronounceable
func (g *Generator) generatePronounceable() (string, error) {
var password string
g.syllables = make([]string, 0)
length, err := g.GetPasswordLength()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate password length: %w", err)
characterSet := KoremutakeSyllables
characterSet = append(characterSet, strings.Split(CharRangeNumericHuman, "")...)
characterSet = append(characterSet, strings.Split(CharRangeSpecialHuman, "")...)
characterSetLength := len(characterSet)
for int64(len(password)) < length {
randNum, err := g.RandNum(int64(characterSetLength))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate a random number for Koremutake syllable generation: %w",
nextSyllable := characterSet[randNum]
if g.CoinFlipBool() {
syllableLength := len(nextSyllable)
characterPosition, err := g.RandNum(int64(syllableLength))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate a random number for Koremutake syllable generation: %w",
randomChar := string(nextSyllable[characterPosition])
nextSyllable = strings.ReplaceAll(nextSyllable, randomChar, strings.ToUpper(randomChar))
password += nextSyllable
g.syllables = append(g.syllables, nextSyllable)
return password, nil
// generateBinary is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoBinary
func (g *Generator) generateBinary() (string, error) {
length := DefaultBinarySize
if g.config.FixedLength > 0 {
length = g.config.FixedLength
randBytes := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(randBytes)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to generate random bytes: %w", err)
if g.config.BinaryHexMode {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", randBytes), nil
return string(randBytes), nil
// generateRandom is executed when Generate() is called with Algorithm set
// to AlgoRandom
func (g *Generator) generateRandom() (string, error) {
length, err := g.GetPasswordLength()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate password length: %w", err)
charRange := g.GetCharRangeFromConfig()
var password string
var ok bool
for !ok {
password, err = g.RandomStringFromCharRange(length, charRange)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ok = g.checkMinimumRequirements(password)
if g.config.MobileGrouping {
return GroupCharsForMobile(password), nil
return password, nil
// matchesMinimumAmount checks if the number of occurrences of characters in
// charRange in the password is less than minAmount and updates the
// value of ok accordingly.
func matchesMinimumAmount(charRange, password string, minAmount int64, ok *bool) {
count := 0
for _, char := range charRange {
count += strings.Count(password, string(char))
if int64(count) < minAmount {
*ok = false